Page 69 of Reaper's Revenge
“Sierra 8674463,” I recite.
“Black Queen, Delta 1.”
“Patch to Dispatch!”
“Patching now, please wait.”
“Dispatch, it's Black Queen Delta 1. What teams do we have available within my area for immediate dispatch?
“Bravo 8.”
“Delta 6.”
“Hades, no!”
“Foxtrot 5 or Echo 9.”
“Foxtrot 5, why didn't you lead with them? Send them now. Transfer orders: I want them under my command and mine alone. Immediately.”
“I’ll need confirmation.”
“Black Queen Delta 1, consider it fucking confirmed. I’ll ping my location.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
As I slide my phone back into my pocket, I sigh, awaiting the shit storm tomorrow will bring. I take his hand in mine. “You need to come back and hurry the fuck up about it. I need you to come back to me. Do you hear me? Stop being a selfish prick and open your goddamn motherfucking eyes!” I scream out in frustration, and a nurse comes barrelling through the door, wide-eyed.
“Sorry… I thought… sorry!” She says as she backs back out of the door.
A few hours later there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in.” I shout, and the door cracks open. Foxtrot 5 walk through the door. They’ve filled out since I last saw them. As I rise from my seat, they survey the room warily. “Black Queen,” Black Rook nods. “We were given instructions to report to you.”
“That’s right, you’re under a new assignment permanently. You will answer to me and me alone, regardless of what Dad, Pa and my brothers say. Do you understand?”
“Yes, ma'am.” They all nod.
“I need this room under constant guard, no one in or out other than me, the nurses and the doctors.”
Black Bishop steps forward. He's the hot head. The fiery one, over-opinionated. “You pulled us from active duty to be security guards?” his voice like butter with that southern drawl he has going on.
I take a step forward. “Yeah, I fucking did. Do you have a problem with that?”
“No, ma'am.” He sighs, shakes his head and steps back.
“Black King, are we gonna have a problem here?”
“No, Black Queen, there's no problem here, just making sure we're all on the same page.”
“No one in or out. I don't care, you hear me? You answer to me and me alone, am I clear?”