Page 72 of Reaper's Revenge
“Home?” His voice is still scratchy from the tubes and lack of use.
“I just need to go through the next steps of treatment with you,” the doctor interrupts, “and then you're good to go. I’ll just need the forms signing, and then you’re ready.”
After listening to the doctor, I pull the wheelchair and blanket to the side of the bed.
“Hop in.”
“Shall I get dressed?”
“Nah, you'll be fine. Let's just get you home.”
He slides into the chair, and I wrap him up tight.
“You ready?”
“Yeah,” he grits out.
I walk to the back of the chair, sliding my hand into my pocket and pulling out the syringe. I lean down and whisper, "See you on the other side, big brother.” as I slide the syringe into his neck.
“What the…?” He grabs at his neck as he tries to get up out of the wheelchair, but I wrap my arms around him, holding him in place. “You took everything from me. It's only fair I return the fucking favour, Bas!” I spit at him.
His head lolls, and I grin against the side of his face. “Payback’s a bitch, big brother, and that bitch is me. Karma’s a bitch too! You'll get yours, and when I’ve destr–”
He sags in my arms, and he’s out, fuck. I had a whole speech ready and everything.
As I wheel him out, the guys form a circle around me. “Front doors,” Queen instructs.
I nod as we exit the hospital. There's an armoured truck, the ambulance and a second armoured truck at the rear. We load Bas into the ambulance, and me and Rook climb in. Queen and Bishop head to the back truck, and King and Knight head to the front. “You know where you're going and what to do?” They all nod, and we pull away.
“Just follow the truck.” I smile at the driver, sliding a brown envelope onto the front seat. “You've seen nothing, you know nothing, you remember nothing.”
He nods as he slides the money into his jacket. There are also a few pictures of his pregnant wife and daughter in his house and the daughter's kindergarten with the money just so he knows what I'm capable of if he forgets his place. That will be a nice surprise for him when he opens it.
As we near the club, I slide towards the driver. “Stay close to them, and when you see the barn, they will open the door. I need you to reverse in, but do it quickly. Do you understand? We don't have much time.”
“Barn? I thought–”
“Don’t think, just do as you're told, then you leave and never look back. Okay, John?”
His eyes shoot up to meet his hairline. Yeah, fucker. I know all about you. He just nods and carries on. As we fly through the gates at the club, the siren’s going. The guys are scrambling out of the club, and Dane and Dice are flinging the apartment door open, but we're going too fast. We sail past and straight up to the barn.
Carrying Bas down to my office, I leave King, Queen and Bishop at the door. I can hear my brothers yelling and running towards the barn as the ambulance peels away.
“Just throw him on the table, then head back to The Tower. I will call you once I'm done!”
“What about your brothers?”
“They can’t get down here once I shut myself in, and I’ve got supplies to last four weeks. Just stay put, okay?”
They nod and leave. I can hear the commotion outside as the door slides into place.
As we run towards the barn, there are three guys, fucking The Armoury by the looks of it, guarding the door. I slide my gun away. This has fucking Ray written all over it. “What the fuck’s she up to?” I bark out as Dane pushes through the crowd.
“King, What the fuck, man? What's going on?”
“Just following orders, sir.” He grins.