Page 80 of Reaper's Revenge
“Fuck, I don’t know if I can look at burger meat the same again. I need a fucking drink after that shitshow.” I grimace.
“She’s your fucked-up friend,” Bishop spits out.
“Yeah, and she’s been through a lot, okay? So don’t judge, and she’s fucking talented. Did you see the state of him? And he’s still alive. Fuck, it's been nine days, and the fucker’s still breathing. And did you see the fucking size of her? She looks fit to burst. All that and being pregnant with twins. I know whose side I want her on.”
“Damn fucking right.” King grins. “Right, let’s get shit-faced. She said she wouldn’t need us again for a couple of days, so let's let loose.”
“Are we staying here or going to the club?” I ask hopefully. “We haven’t been dancing in so long, please, King, please?” I whine.
“Fine, but you're driving!” He laughs.
“Damn it! I’ll take it, let's get ready!” I whoop as I head to the shower.
We end up at the gay club, which is my absolute favourite club around here. I am the bi one of the team. Queen is gay, but King, Knight, and Bishop are straight as an arrow. Well, King has a voyeurism kink, so maybe his arrow has a slight bend, but he never touches. Well, he does himself, which is so hot. We spend a lot of time together so we have become extremely comfortable in each other's company.
As we dance and the guys drink, Queen becomes the flirt that he is, dancing and rubbing his ass into my groin. I slap it. “Queen, fuck off, man, you’re driving me nuts.” He chuckles as he turns and nips at my neck. I groan. “Fucking hell.” I scrub a hand down my face. “I need some fresh air.”
“Hey, what's wrong?” Queen grabs my hand as I walk away. “Nothing, sweetie. You have fun, okay?”
He pouts, but he turns and starts dancing with the others. We’re not a couple. We fuck occasionally because it's convenient, but I don’t know, the lines keep blurring for me, and although we said it was just a fuck, and we’re free to do what we want with other people, I’m just not into that anymore. I kinda want someone, something more, but I know he doesn’t, so I keep pulling away from all the other stuff, the lingering looks and soft touches, the kisses he tries to give me when no one’s around. To be honest, I’ve been avoiding him as much as possible, but fuck, it’s getting harder to.
I step outside and lean against the wall. I grab my smokes and light up, tilting my head to the sky and breathing out a puff of smoke.
“Hey, beautiful,” a feminine voice breaks me from my thoughts. He’s a tall, thin, wiry-looking guy, definitely wearing guyliner and lip gloss, totally not my type. “Fancy some company?”
“What kind of company were you thinking about?” I keep my position, blowing the smoke into the sky.
“Maybe I could blow you and bum a smoke after. You could buy me a drink and see if you wanna take all this back to your place.” He gestures to himself when he says all this.
“I mean, it’s rude not to, but there will be no coming back to my place!” I say firmly.
“Oh, okay.” He steps in front of me before lowering himself to his knees. He runs his hands up and down my thighs as I continue to smoke. I know I said I wanted something more, but I also want to stop thinking about Queen twenty-four-fucking-seven. He starts to undo my zipper, and I hear a roar as I exhale.
“You must be fucking shitting me right now!” I turn just in time to receive a punch to the cheek, knocking me sideways.
“Motherfucker!” I grumble and shake my head from side to side, trying to shake the sense back into me, but as I look up, a hand grabs me around the throat and slams me into the wall. “Queen,” I gasp, grabbing at his wrist and forearm to get him to release me. The wiry dude scrambles to the other side of the alleyway we’re in and stays there, his heart almost pounding out of his chest. “Queen,” I croak out as my eyes start to roll into the back of my head, and I start to sag into his arms.
“Queen!” King snaps. “Fucking release him.” He lets go as I drop to the floor, coughing, spluttering, and gasping for breath.
I try to talk, but nothing comes out. I'm clawing at my own throat, trying to see if I can gulp some air down, but I can't. I'm gasping, and I see him turn and stomp away. “Queen?” I croak out after him, but he storms off. Bishop takes off after him. King and Knight pick me up one either side, and I sag against them, grasping at my throat.
“What the fuck was that all about?” King asks.
“I don’t fucking know,” I gasp. “I was having a smoke, and that guy offered to blow me, I thought—”
“You fucking dipshit!” Knight spits.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed?”
“Noticed what?”
“Fuck’s sake!” King shakes his head.
“He’s fucking in love with you, ya twat!”
“What? Who? How?”