Page 93 of Reaper's Revenge
“So if Ares is giving us this whole compound, we should have enough savings to make a dent in the renovations,” Rook says.
“I've already transferred the money to the team account, so if you wanted to bulldoze the place and build a mansion, you could.”
Bishop pulls out his phone and logs in, waiting a few seconds, then his face drops. “Holy fucking shit!” He turns the phone to the boys, and their faces drop.
“Is this a joke…?” King asks.
I shake my head. “I thought you would need an incentive to hang around, and I feel like keeping you close, so that should cover everything you need for a while.”
“Ray, there's over a million in here!” Queen looks at the numbers again.
“It was Steel’s… I have more than enough of my own, then I inherited Steel’s, and I gave some to Skye and Tray and the rest for you guys. I don't know what the future will look like here but I'm hoping having you around will make it… bearable.”
Reaching for my hand Rook grabs it and pulls me in for a hug.”
“So, no preferential treatment or anything like that, hey?” Queen grins at Rook.
“Shut it, okay?” Rook chuckles back.
“Wait, Rook gets preferential treatment?” Bishop looks between us all.
“You don’t think all those cushy money jobs just come to you guys because you're fabulous do you?” Ray laughs. “It pays to have friends in high places and Rook does.” I wink at them. Right, are we in or not?
“We’re in!” They all sing out together and crush me between them. “Right, let's go and iron out the negotiations with Ares.”
“I thought it was a done deal?”
“Yeah, but I need to make him sweat, and also, I need some assurances, and I might see if I can squeeze in a little extra.”
“Like what?” Knight winks.
“I haven’t decided yet, but I wanna make him squirm.”
I'm sitting in the bar with Demi, Skye and Beauty as Ray walks in the back door with five guys all six feet and built like Bran.
“Make yourselves at home boys, I need to speak to the girls for a minute.”
Before Ray can turn to head towards us Tank scrapes his chair across the floor as he stands holding Tray in his arms. “You replacing us?”
She turns and looks at the guys and then laughs, “Never brother! Now give me my nephew, come on, hand him over.”
Tank grins and walks towards her handing him over and she smells his head and groans “ Fuck they should bottle that smell.”
Ray Brings Tray over and sits with us.
“Firstly we’re not doing this here and now, I can't, I just don't have the energy right now but I love you all even you Scar but you hurt me the most,” She nods to the guys, “I can kind of understand them but you? That broke me, it's just gonna take time ok. We will talk and we will sort it all out but for now I just need to call a truce.”
I start to cry, and she reaches a hand for me and grips it. “I’m so—”
“Some other time, yeah? Please.”
I nod. I know she will give me a chance, but I also understand how raw everything is, so I put my big girl pants on, nod and wipe my eyes. Ray kisses Tray on the head and hands him to Skye. “We need to see Ares. Is he in the office?”
I nod, and just like that, she’s gone again.
“I can't believe she’s acting like my brother hasn't just died,” Demi says with an element of disgust hanging in the air.