Page 5 of Tuesday Night Truths
Didn’t call.
Not a single. Damn. Word.
“Cassia?” Brooks is confused, glancing between my frozen self and the group huddled up ahead.
We’re close enough to the center, a few other people look over as well, and that’s what unfreezes me.
I don’t want this reunion to take place here, and I’m pissed at Holden for putting me in this position. For showing up to socialize with his friends like all is right in the world.
Maybe it is—in his.
I’m not in the mood to fight, and it’s probably past when I told my mom I’d be home.
So I choose flight.
“I’ve, uh, I’ve actually gotta go.”
“What?” Brooks takes a step closer, his expression creasing.
I step back so quickly I almost fall over. And instead of answering Brooks, I glance over at Holden again, the realization he’s now looking this way jolting me like an electric paddle to the heart.
Seconds stretch as we stare at each other.
Holden’s expression is entirely unreadable.
No surprise.
No jealousy.
Just a blank face.
And it’s sofamiliar. Not only his physical features, but the apathy.
It’s always been small gestures instead of big moments with him. He opens up when we’re alone, never when we’re surrounded.
I know Holden grew up differently than I did. That love and affection weren’t on display during his childhood in the same way they were in my family. And it used to make me feel special, knowing I saw a side of him no one else did.
Right now? It makes me feel sad. Empty.
That he’s standing there and I’m standing here and I know, even as we hold eye contact, that neither of us are going to take a step to close the distance.
“Bye, Brooks,” I say, then spin and start walking toward the line of cars behind the bleachers.
Silently pray no one blocked my car in, because I’d rather walk all the way home than have to go back over there and ask someone to move their vehicle.
I think Brooks might call my name, but I don’t look back. I’m worriedhemight still be looking.
And even more scared that he won’t be.
“So…you wanna talk about it?”
Finn sighs but says nothing else. He glances at Mark, who’s slouched on the bleachers with Jordan. Everyone else left a while ago.