Page 114 of Against All Odds
She’s leaving, I realize.
“How’d you know where I live?”
“You told me, remember? And it’s ‘common knowledge on campus,’ right?”
I smirk, mostly at her use of air quotes. A little because I really like having her in my room and it’s hitting me more that she’s actuallyhere.
“And you just invited yourself inside?”
Her cheeks flush pink. “No one was answering the door, and it was unlocked.”
“Team went to Gaffney’s after practice. It’s wings night.”
“Why didn’t you go?”
I lie back down, then tug my shirt up. My side looks worse than it did an hour ago, sections darkening to a mottled purple.
Rylan sucks in a sharp breath, then steps closer to my bed. Closer and closer, until her cool fingers are brushing my ribs. “That happened at practice?”
“Yeah.” I relax into the mattress, her light touch moresoothing than the cold ice pack was. “I was playing sloppy and Williams wasn’t looking where he was going. Bad timing.”
“You weren’t the one who tossed me into the boards.” I shift, then wince. Massage my shoulder, which also hurts. “Tomorrow’s an easy day. Some sleep and a few painkillers, and I’ll be fine.”
She’s silent and standing still. Then the sound of her coat’s zipper fills the room again. Except instead of going up, it’s coming down.
I watch like it’s the most fascinating sight I’ve ever witnessed.
And honestly? Rylan taking her clothes off in my room is absolutely up there.
Unfortunately, the strip show ends with her sweater still on. Rylan tosses her jacket on the opposite side of my bed, then pushes her sleeves up to her elbows. She’s wearing a gray skirt that hugs her hips, and a pair of black tights. If I could move with any sort of ease right now, I’d absolutely be tugging both down and repeating last week’s tutoring session.
“Roll over,” she tells me.
I raise an eyebrow. “What? Why?”
Moving is the last thing I feel like doing, and I’d be lying if I said I’m not holding out hope for a blowjob, even if it’s a pity one. Oral seems to be as far as Rylan is willing to take our hookups, and I’ll take whatever she’s willing to give. Her telling me to lie dick down snuffs out any hope of that happening.
“Just trust me, Phillips.”
My teammates and Coach call me by my last name a lot, but no girl ever has.
It’s a reminder we’re friends, or something similar to that. Something more than tutor and student. Something different than just sex, even though I’m dying to get that from her.
I roll over, smushing my face into the pillow and exhalingthrough my nose as I wait for the pain in my side to subside. It feels like someone just slid a hot poker into my ribs.
The mattress dips, and I turn my face to the side so I can try to see what Rylan is doing. I can’t see shit, but I can feel her straddle my lower back. Feel the heat of her against the base of my spine.
“Fuck,” I groan, as my dick twitches unhappily.
“Too hard?” There’s a worried note to Rylan’s voice as she shifts her weight, only succeeding in torturing me more.
“You’re not what’s hard.”
“Oh.” Then another “Oh” as she registers my meaning. “Really? Me sitting on your back is turning you on?”
“It’s a new kink for me too.”