Page 44 of Against All Odds
As his tutor, I can claim to have a vested interest in his grades. How he performs on the ice is my dad’s problem.
“Cheers!” Chloe taps our cups together before we both sip.
“Let’s go back to the living room,” I suggest to Chloe, leaning closer to her so that she can hear me over the loud music.
I’m already getting a headache from the heavy beat and the smoke that the booze won’t help.
I steal a look at Aidan as we leave the kitchen. He’s easy to spot—talking with a tall guy I’d wager is another hockey player, grinning broadly as he waves his arms around animatedly to emphasize whatever he’s saying.
The motion stretches the T-shirt he’s wearing tight across his muscular chest, and I’m not the only one noticing the impressive definition beneath.
Everywhere I look, girls are checking Aidan out.
Including Chloe.
“That’s Aidan Phillips,” she whispers to me as we walk into the living room. “He’s the campus playboy. Goes through girls like tissues, but you’ll still have to wait in line for a turn. Although…” She smirks. “I’ve heard it’s worth waiting in.”
It is, I think, then quickly take another sip to wash away the thought.
I figured Aidan was popular. I didn’t realize that meant he’d screwed most of campus.
Skills like his come from a lot of experience, I guess. I’m surprised he even remembered our hookup. Sounds like he’s probably been with a dozen girls since.
Do you have to pick between incredible sex with a womanizing player or mediocre sex with a guy you’re dating? God, I hope not, but it turns out those are the only kinds I’ve experienced, so maybe.
And I resent Aidan for shattering the illusion of what I thought sex was supposed to be like, only to turn out to be a notorious ladies’ man who is apparently renowned for his bedroom talents. I would have much, much preferred he remained an anonymous memory.
I’m also realizing Chloe does not fall in the category of not knowing Holt has a hockey team and that I should probably tell her my dad coaches the team before it seems like knowledge I was withholding.
We run into a group of girls in the living room that she knows from her nursing major before I can bring it up, and we pause to say hello.
One of them is Logan. I try to focus on remembering the rest of their names, knowing I’ll probably only retain a couple of them. It’s not as noisy in here as it was in the kitchen, but it’s still awfully loud. And I can feel the distinctive warmth of alcohol spreading through me, scattering my focus.
I lose interest in the conversation once all the introductions are complete, since they’re discussing people I don’t know.
I sip my drink and pretend to be interested in the fireplace.
A few minutes later, there’s a fresh wave of activity in the front of the living room.
“That’s Conor Hart,” Chloe tells me, leaning closer to whisper. “The captain of the hockey team.”
I watch an extremely good-looking, dark-haired guy push his way through the crowded living room, headed toward the kitchen. He’s holding hands with a stunning redhead, who leans in and says something that makes Conor laugh. It’s not until they reach the opening that leads to the kitchen that I realize Aidan has appeared there.
I’m not worried about him catching me staring this time—everyone is looking in that direction. From the way all the attention is focused their way, I’m clearly looking at the popular crowd.
Aidan does one of those guy handshakes with Conor, then hugs the redhead. Conor pulls her back into his body and leans down to kiss her possessively, resulting in a few disappointed sighs around me.
“Dammit,” one girl says.
“I told you,” another girl replies. “He took her to the banquet.”
I guess Aidan wasn’t lying about the purple sweatshirt belonging to Conor’s girlfriend.
Based on what Chloe just told me, Aidan goes through girls too quickly to end up with any of their belongings in his car.
It makes me feel a lot less guilty for taking off right after our hookup.
Her friends head into the dining room to play a drinking game, but Chloe sticks with me. It turns out I might have hit the roommate lottery, living with her.