Page 79 of Against All Odds
But I’m not reading her wrong.
Parker takes a step closer, the look on her face one I’ve seen many times before.
“You’re delusional,” I tell her.
“I’mpractical, Aidan. Marrying Jameson makes sense. But I’m not in love with him. It would be just like before—”
“Nothingis like before, Parker. Little tip? If you want to hook up with a guy, don’t break up with him, then get engaged to his brother. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“It was more complicated than that,” she tells me.
I shake my head. “Maybe you want to remember things differently now, but that’s what happened then.”
“So I messed up. Is that what you want me to say?”
“I don’t want you to sayanythingto me. I wish I could never see you again, but you made damn sure I’d have to, didn’t you?”
Parker moves closer. More of her mask falls. Or maybe she’s just swapping it for a different one, biting her bottom lip and fluttering her eyelashes. “Remember how good it was between us?”
Jesus. I was not prepared for this. I was expecting to have the happy couple act shoved down my throat, same as it’s been every other time I’ve been forced to be around Parker and Jameson since they started dating. Not for her to start walking down memory lane and expect me to follow.
“You’re marrying my brother,” I remind her. “We’re at your engagement party.”
“I know.”
“Do you? Because it kinda seems like you forgot.”
“I just…you came.” She looks young, all of sudden. But not happy, like in my memories.
“Because ofJameson, not you. And yeah, it was good between us. We were kids, and it was easy. You ended it, Parker.Yearsago. Get over it, because I did. I’m never going to touch you again. If you’re miserable, that’s not my fault or my problem.”
I step back, adjusting the buttons of my jacket the way Jameson always does before dismissing someone. Based on theway Parker’s left eye twitches, she doesn’t appreciate the reminder of her fiancé.
“I’m not miserable,” she snaps.
“Great,” I drawl. “Is Nicole single? She’s one of your bridesmaids, right? I always thought she was hot.”
“I have no idea,” Parker replies airily.
Lies, I’m sure.
I leave her standing alone and walk back inside the restaurant, draining the rest of my glass in one gulp.
Ishouldfind Nicole. She hit on me a lot back when Parker and I were together, which is why I mentioned her name specifically.
Hell, any hot girl here would be a welcome distraction from this shitty evening.
But instead of searching out company, I decide to head straight for the exit.
I swear under my breath, my steps barely slowing as my father calls out my name.
His footsteps sound a second later, his dress shoes slapping a sharp staccato against the marble floor.
I sigh and turn, stuffing my fisted hands into my pockets.
“Where are you going?” my father demands.