Page 11 of The Wrath
What would he say if she demandedhiskingdom as payment? Because dang. The gem-covered walls in his secret throne room extended here, and they were totally to die for. So sparkly!
He might actually agree, considering he was head over heels, fallen into the abyss obsessed with a skeleton he planned to resurrect.
Strangely enough, Neeka was maybe kinda sorta envious of the corpse. Oh, to be loved in such a way. Thanks to Grenwich’s chosen moniker, Neeka herself was forever cursed to be, well, unwanted. Her lack of male companionship had nothing to do with her personality, she was certain of it. She slapped!
Though she’d lived for centuries, her first official “date” was her wedding. No one else had ever asked her out or accepted an invite when she’d done the asking. In fact, the only romantic encounters she’d experienced were the nights she’d thrown herself at a guy, practically begging for affection. Many had taken her up on the offer. Too many. Before each instance, she’d hoped against hope that her fate had changed. That she had scored an adoring significant other. But the guys had bailed immediately after nailing her, energizing her secret insecurities and activating pure devastation. Nowadays, she admired gorgeous males from afar and pretended she appreciated being single. Sometimes she even believed it.
And okay, yes, her lonesome, loathsome past might possibly be the real reason she’d jumped at the opportunity to marry Ahdán. More so than her father’s prediction. Neeka couldn’t not seize the chance to belong. To be part of a couple. United until death. She sighed dreamily. Then she glowered. As soon as she’d had her first conversation with the Phoenix, she’d realized he intended to chain her to his bed, whether she agreed or not. Without hesitation, she’d proceeded with the original plan: take the place of his long-promised bride, steal his money, and remove his head. Exactly what he’d deserved.
But enough about Ahdán the Ash Bringer. Better to focus on the King of Agonies and a job well done. Winning that open-ended boon and impressing Rathbone with her skill by finding the biggest and best bone right off the bat was a must. Just boom,Look at me, I’m amazing. Now pay up.
Piece of cake! Mmm. Cake. Carrot. Without frosting. Or any other ingredients. She moistened her lips.
No, no.Concentrate.Despite Rathbone’s possible beef with the Astra, Neeka’s instincts sang. Aiding Red Ranger was right. Necessary for harpykind. And really, she maybe kinda liked him so far. Steadfast loyalty was another rare, ultrasexy quality she greatly appreciated.
So. Time to earn more for a single job than Grenwich ever had. A bonus in itself! Neeka rubbed her hands together, mind whirling. If she were the skull of an ancient goddess of desire, where would she hide?
A tap on the shoulder startled her. Heart thudding, she spun. A stony-faced Rathbone towered mere inches away. He held a gorgeous diamond necklace with stones almost as big as her fist.
“This is for you,” he said, waving the jewelry in front of her face.
Neeka snatched and donned the jewelry before he had a chance to change his mind. Before she registered how sensual his strong red fingers with their sharp black claws looked clutching the delicate gems. Before she got smart and thought things through.
As she traced her fingertips over the cool stones dangling from her neck, her thoughts caught up with her actions. Big mistake, accepting his bribe. He’d tested her, nothing more. Just as she sought to learn him, he sought to learn her. Now he knew the truth. Like most harpies, she wasn’t immune to the pretty pretties.
Might as well take this all the way home and reveal her raging possessiveness, too. “This is mine. If you attempt to steal it, you’ll lose a hand, at least eight eyes, and every piercing you may or may not possess.” What belonged to her belonged to her. Always. No exceptions.
“They are mátia. The eyes,” he replied easily.
Feeling a bit revengeful, she winced and added, “Great. But, um, do me a favor and remind me of two supersmall, minor details. Who are you, and what am I doing here?”
His mouth floundered open and closed.
She imagined choking sounds were leaving him and elbowed his abdomen. “Just teasing, Red Riding Wood. Or maybe Red Riding Woody. Professor Seesalot? We can always revisit Cherry Marshmallow.”
“I prefer results,” he grated.
“That’s a terrible nickname. But fine. Let’s see if I’m comfortable enough to tune my antenna into your future.” She focused inward and—boom!A vision formed in a burst of color, and she gasped. “Lore’s skull waits at the bottom of an ocean!”
In her head, Neeka saw it so clearly. Lavender sand peppered with colorful coral. A school of polka-dot fish with horns. Two mermaids swam nearby, scrutinizing the symbols etched into the cranium.
Rathbone clutched Neeka’s shoulders and gave a rough shake. “Which ocean? In which world? What era, oracle? Tell me!”
“I don’t know, okay?” she grumbled. “Dang. Take it easy, gorilla grip. It’s not as though there’s a sign that reads Atlantis, six miles east of the queen’s stable.”
One second she occupied a sitting room with lavish furnishings, the next she stood outside, warmed by a beam of bright golden sunlight. Before her, clear purple water lapped at moss-covered rocks. Behind her, lush trees stretched for miles, split by a pink waterfall spilling over an azure crystal cliff.
He’d brought her to the entrance of the fabled land.
“I didn’t mean we should visit—oh, never mind.” For all she knew, shehadmeant they should visit. What if her subconscious led them here on purpose? Besides, they were here. Might as well check things out.
OneYou Impressed Himaward coming up!
“If you are not be wrong.” Tension radiated from his taut frame. “Do hold your breath.”
What! “Don’t you dare take me—” Frigid water engulfed her. Thankfully, Neeka complied with his instruction and didn’t inhale any liquid. Still. A quick burst of panicked flailing ended when Rathbone jerked her close.