Page 51 of The Wrath
New best friend? Ha! “But you did it because you’re stronger than them. Congrats! He’s not my friend, best or otherwise, by the way. He’s my current employer.” And target.
Pulling unsuccessfully at the cuffs, her friend snarled, “Then you had better quit and hire on with me. The Astra are ready to take your head, and honestly, I’m not sure how much longer I can hold them off.”
So, so badly Neeka wanted to share what she knew. This amazing woman had fought by her side for centuries, guarding her back, acting as her ears, too stubborn to buy into a cursed moniker. The mighty Taliyah had loved and supported her through thick and thin. But. In this case, sharing wasn’t caring. Neeka’s instinct hadn’t altered. Now wasn’t the juncture to spill; she’d do more harm than good. Besides, to succeed in her quest, she needed Rathbone’s trust. The barest hint of betrayal could cost everyone everything.
She forced herself to shrug, even as the deepest parts of her cried,Trust me. “Well, keep at it and I’ll consider thinking about giving you a cut of my earnings.”
As Taliyah sputtered, an alert pinged in Neeka. She sensed the arrival of another intruder one appeared. Wait. She’d never noticed the owl figurine on the shelf.
Like the stuffed teddy bear she’d thrown into the fire, it seemed to peer straight into her soul. Another hidden camera? Or was she missing something? In any case, this proved she must remain in character. Aka a greedy wench devoted to a payday. Even if she lost her only friend. Here and now, there was no way to comfort the other woman. To aid the Astra meant allowing Lore to be resurrected, and that Neeka couldn’t do.
She swallowed the lump growing in her throat. Maybe this was the real curse of her moniker. Tasting friendship and losing it.
“What is he paying you?” Taliyah demanded.
“He offered double, but after our most recent adventure, I’m not settling for anything less than triple.”
“Triple of what?” her friend said, pushing the question past clenched teeth. “Because I’ll triplethat.”
“Sorry, Tal, but I prefer being on the winning team.” Her own.
Uh, had the porcelain owl just expanded its chest?
“Have you forgotten what’s at stake?” Taliyah prowled two steps closer. “If a single Astra loses a blessing task, all Astra are cursed. Harpykind will share their fate!”
“Not true. The Astra will be cursed to lose every battle, yes, but harpies won’t. We can act as their protectors and fight their battles for them.” That would mean going head-to-head with Erebus, who would ascend, gaining more power, but so what? They’d overcome worse odds.
Yeah, she was digging this idea more and more.
“Tell me what you’ve seen of our future, at least,” Taliyah demanded.
This, Neeka could do. In part. With a heaviness of heart she didn’t even try to hide, she said, “Death. Lots and lots of death.”
A male determined, Rathbone knocked on Neeka’s bedroom door. He’d come to her with a foolproof plan lacking only a few minor details. Smooth things over with extravagant gifts stop getting hard at the mere sight of her, and find the remaining bones. It was the only honorable thing to do.
Honor wasn’t something he normally aspired to achieve, but he was a desperate male willing to do desperate things to shed this wretched guilt. Plus, he owed her much. Regardless of his actions inside that cave, she continued to prove herself his staunchest ally.
Last night, when he’d perceived the harpy General’s arrival, he’d flashed to the oracle, leaving Lore behind midsentence. Seeing Neeka up and well had flooded him with intense relief. When she’d chosen him over her best friend and allies, well, that relief had transformed into hope. She’d done it for payment, yes, but also, possibly, affection?
Just because Lore returned didn’t mean Neeka’s service to Rathbone had to end. He planned to unleash his wrath upon the Astra, and he would need an oracle. Yes, the Astra would be destined to lose every battle, making war a breeze. But as humans said, better safe than sorry.
Hinges whined as the door swung open. He braced. How would Neeka react to him?
How wouldhereact to her?
His thoughts blanked. Sunlight turned her into a flawless tapestry of delights. Skin like dark silk. Eyes as pure as amber, outlined with kohl. Lips plumper and redder than cherries. Scent sweeter than usual.
“Yes? May I help you?” she asked. She’d changed clothes. Out of the halter and jeans and into comfy pajamas.
Muscles hardened, and blood burned. “We shall hang out, and you will get to know me better.” Something she’d been eager to do to speed things along. “I have goodies to give you.”
She canted her head, suspicious. “What kind of goodies?”
“The best kind.” He clasped her hand, and teleported her to the dining room, where he’d arranged a feast. “You have earned every morsel. Enjoy.”
“And the jewelry?” she asked, agog.