Page 62 of Ruin
“Yes what?” he asked.
She racked her scrambled brain, trying to find the answer he wanted through the fog of her desire.
“Good girls ask nicely,” he said, giving her a hint as he dragged out of her pussy. This time he brought the dildo with him, and she was surprised to find that she wanted it back, that she missed the stimulation it had been delivering.
“Yes… please.”
“Thank you,” he said, his voice strained. “I like it when you’re a good girl in the playroom. Now it’s time for your reward. I give you permission to come.”
He drove into her pussy at the same time he pushed the dildo back into her ass and she came apart under him.
Her body was wracked with powerful shudders, her mind as empty as a blank sheet of paper as she flew through the blinding white light behind her eyelids.
She was barely aware of the fact that he was fucking her into oblivion, his cock driving into her again and again as the dildo penetrated her other opening.
She heard him growl behind her as he came. “Fuck yes… so fucking sweet, Ruby… your pussy’s so fucking sweet.”
She felt the orgasm start to subside, then caught new friction on her clit and climbed the peak again, a second orgasm on steroids.
A string of filthy words dropped from her mouth as she came and came and came. She thought it would never end and she rode the wave like a bird on a strong breeze.
Soaring. Letting go.
He laid his head back against the giant soaking tub in his en suite bathroom, relishing Ruby’s weight between his thighs.
He’d run her bath as a way to help her come down, part of an aftercare regimen he hoped would soothe any shock she might feel after her first time in the playroom.
But she hadn’t wanted him to leave, had begged him to get in with her, and he’d been all too happy to slide into the warm water, scented with lavender bath salts, and pull her against him.
Now they were both drifting, the only sound in the bathroom the occasional slosh of water when one of them shifted.
The baby monitor sat on the bathroom counter, Olivia still sound asleep, and Roman marveled that the woman between his thighs could be both mother and lover, that she could so completely embody both sides of her own coin.
He never wanted to fucking let her go.
He wanted to keep her with him forever — here in the loft or somewhere else, maybe a house with land for Olivia to play on, a house filled with books and houseplants and a blanket across the back of every couch.
He wanted to hear her breath in the dark while she slept, feel the slide of her body against his in a bed they shared. He wanted to fill her belly with babies that had her eyes, her sweet gap-toothed smile, freckles strewn like contestations across their little noses.
And he wanted Olivia too. Wanted to take care of her. To love her. He wanted to watch her graduate from reading cereal boxes to novels, couldn’t wait to see which kinds of books she’d like, what kind of teenager she’d be one day.
It was all right there, close enough to touch.
And a million miles away.
He’d never known how lonely he was until Ruby and Olivia came into his life. Now his previous life looked like a vast desert, hot and bright but eternally empty.
“Will I always have to be quiet?” Ruby asked lazily. “In the playroom?”
He stroked her stomach under the water. “Not always. The rules will change each time.”
“But you’ll tell me? What the rules are each time, I mean?”
“If you want to play again, yes, I’ll tell you,” he said.