Page 106 of Shadows Of Dusk
“Someone needed to shut her the...” Something catches their attention as Bryce’s voice cuts off abruptly.
“Shit. I think it’s the wolf. Vern, Bryce, go check the surrounding area.” The men pause long enough for me to hear a vicious growl resonating through the forest, sending shivers down my spine.
Summoning every ounce of strength I have to push myself off the ground, my knees tremble as I struggle to regain my bearings, and a sharp snap pierces the stillness of the night.
My gaze instinctively darts toward the source, and there, bathed in a luminous shaft of moonlight filtering through the dense canopy, stands the towering silhouette of a figure, cloaked in darkness.
A surge of relief washes over me as I recognize the second figure beside him, and my heart skips a beat. Their presence is a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounding them.
Val, standing with his head low and menacing. His fur bristling with an air of fury as a low, vicious growl sends shivers down my spine.
The air catches in my lungs as a gust of wind sweeps through the forest, the flickering light momentarily revealing their blood-stained visages.
Darian cocks his head as he takes in my appearance and his handsome features are fierce as he turns his attention to the men, “I’ll only ask you this once. Which one of you fucking hit her?”
Two of the men point to Ryan and Bryce, the third holding his palms up. All five of them look ready to shit themselves.
One of the men runs, but Val lunges and within seconds he’s on the man’s back. The sound of flesh tearing and a gargled shriek cuts through the silent forest before it abruptly goes quiet.
Ryan and Bryce tug at my restrained body, their desperate attempts to remove me from the scene evident in their frantic movements as the other two men approach Darian, intending to buy time for Ryan and Bryce to make their escape.
I can only watch helplessly as the two men jump to action, each of them throwing their fists at Darian. Within a moment he’s snapped the first man’s neck, with a hand fisted into the second man’s hair, smashing his head against a tree repeatedly until his skull crunches.
My eyes widen with shock when Darian releases the fistful of hair and the man’s body crumple to the ground.
It happened so fast, had I blinked, I would have missed it.
“Shit.” Ryan breathes as Darian turns his attention to him and Bryce. The bushes to my left rustle as Val emerges, his coat still dripping with fresh blood.
“Val,” Darian growls and points at Bryce, “Don’t kill that one yet.” He states before lunging at Ryan.
Val circles Bryce to keep him busy, but my eyes are glued to the two men before me.
In a blur of movement, Darian evades Ryan’s attacks with precision as he blocks incoming punches, countering with powerful strikes that find their mark on Ryan’s face.
The fight’s already over when Darian expertly deflects a punch aimed at his abdomen, his final move twists Ryan’s arm into an unnatural angle before a sickening crunch sounds out.
Ryan shrieks, gasping from the pain.
Darian doesn’t even look winded.
I watch my original assailant fall to his knees, screaming loudly as his arm dangles limp at his side with bone protruding from it, and his blood drips to the ground.
“Please, I was only doing a job.” Ryan begs, his good arm held up in surrender.
I see Darian’s white teeth flash into a furious smile, “Wrong line of work, I’m afraid,” He snaps Ryan’s neck with a crack that makes me flinch, continuing as his body falls lifelessly to the ground, “It doesn’t appear to have a very long life expectancy.”
I blink while I watch him move toward Bryce and a fresh wave of anger rushes through my veins, “Wait.” I say.
Darian freezes instantly and glances in my direction.
“Untie me.” I wiggle my arms for emphasis, and Darian moves closer to undo my bindings. As the ropes fall away, he reaches into his coat and retrieves a long dagger, extending it toward me.
I gape at him, “You had this the whole time and instead chose to fight with your hands?”
He shrugs, “I was angry. This was more satisfying.”