Page 38 of Shadows Of Dusk
That voice is the same one that drove me to go to Cain’s hideout knowing he had Lara captive. Something inside me refused to sit back idly while she was within reach.
Thank fuck I did. I’ll be damned if anything stops me from being involved now.
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I glance down to see a text from Ian and return my eyes to the tail lights ahead of me.
My jaw clenches as I consider what’s to come. As the prophecy digs its claws in I know I’ll have a choice to make, and as the fork in the road nears I find I am at odds with myself.
Growing conflict lives inside of my veins as I spend more time with Lara and that is a terrifying reality.
Chapter 18
I watch Caspian’s headlights in my rearview mirror the entire drive home.
Relax, Lara. He’s making sure you’re not going to die.
He’s not interested in a broken woman like you, forget it.
I take a cleansing breath as I pull in the driveway then blow it out, steeling myself as I get out of the car and walk over to the front door.
I put the key in and twist it, but there’s no resistance.
It’s unlocked.
I hold the knob and turn my head slightly to Caspian’s truck, my eyes wide with panic.
He must have some idea of what’s going on from the look on my face as he hurries over, because he gently moves me behind him and pulls out his gun. “Stay here.”
I nod.
Like there was any chance of me going in there right now.
Caspian disappears into the house, leaving me in the dark and I wait with bated breath.
Any second now, he will come back. He’ll be okay. I must have forgotten to lock it.
Minutes go by, and I’m about to walk in when an arm loops around my neck in a tight choke hold.
Instinct has my arms reach up to my attacker’s forearm initially. Within a moment’s notice my self-defense training takes over. Islide my leg behind my assailant and throw my arm out to the side. Putting all my weight into the chest of the aggressor, we both fall backwards, landing with a grunt.
As we hit the ground the grip on me releases and I roll off, instantly pushing to my feet to face my attacker.
He must be six foot tall, more muscular than Henry but nowhere near as much as Caspian or his brother. In the dark his hair looks black and his eyes are shadowed. I see him reach into his belt, and he grabs a knife, taking a step toward me.
“Who are you?” I ask loudly, hoping that Caspian can hear.
“Does it matter?” He growls, and I catch a glimpse of his teeth as I stare at his shadowed face.
Caspian’s voice sounds out into the stillness of night, as shock and something else flashes across his features, “No. You’re right, it doesn’t matter.” he says, his voice cold and hard.
The man opens his mouth and I yelp at the loud bang that sounds out as the man falls to his knees. He looks down at the blood seeping from his chest before he glances at me. His gaze lingers on Caspian for a long moment, and he crumples face-first to the ground.
I stare at him, my eyes fixate on the pool of blood and I don’t realize I’m shaking until Caspian’s hands cup my face, turning me away from the body.
“You did well. You’re safe now. Come, little one.” His voice is as gentle as his touch. He positions his body between me and the man on the ground as he ushers me inside the house.
“You’re alright.” He repeats as he guides me to the living room couch. He grasps my cold hands, still trembling from leftover adrenaline and pulls them to his mouth, brushing his lips against my knuckles as he blows warm breath over them.