Page 41 of Shadows Of Dusk
Candace’s face pales and I can’t help but release a genuine laugh that springs tears to my eyes.
Her features soften as she glances between me and Caspian. Her cheeks flush bright pink and I follow her gaze to see him staring at me with one of his eyebrows raised and his lip tilted up making my own face burn.
Smooth, Lara.
We walk to my office and Dan hops onto my chair, looking around while I methodically pull out the samples and organize them alongside their sisters from the other lake that Henry brought back.
Our phones chime in unison and my eyes snap to Caspian’s as we both look at the cameras through our app.
A car pulls up to the front of the house with its headlights off. A moment goes by and palpable tension is rolling off Caspian. I shift closer to stand next to him while we both watch from different camera angles.
The familiar beautiful man is dressed in a black hoodie and jeans, he gets out of the car and walks over to the front door, pausingto inspect the remnants of the giant pool of blood that has seeped into the ground.
He takes a quick look in the windows, and then he glances up, his mismatched eyes flash in the limited light beneath his hood. The man gives a theatrical wave to the camera as he quickly walks back to the car and speeds off.
A growl sounds off, but it’s not coming from Dan, I look up at Caspian and his face is contorted into rage as he stares at the empty space where the car was.
“Was that who I think that was?” There’s a long pause, the cords in his neck flex along with the muscle in his jaw as he clenches his teeth.
A sharp inhale gets caught in my chest. “That was my brother, Darian. Evil incarnate in the flesh.”
Dan growls and I don’t need to ask how bad news his brother is.
All I can wonder is why the evil incarnate didn’t kill me when he had me in his grasp that night.
I finish the samples in a daze and put everything away while Caspian types furiously on his phone. A knock at the door sounds, and he points his gun at a shocked Henry in the doorway.
Henry’s hands jerk up with his palms forward and his face pales, “Woah, I just wanted to see if you wanted to get dinner.”
Dan growls and Henry somehow blanches even more, “That’s… a really big dog.”
I laugh but it comes out sounding strangled, thankfully Caspian composes himself much quicker, and he holsters his weapon.
“Sorry, we’re just jumpy. We’re going to have to pass on dinner tonight. We will grab something on the way home.”
Henry nods as color seeps back into his skin, and he waves to us as he steps away.
I blow out a breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding and lean weakly against the desk.
“Are you okay?” Caspian’s voice is flat and indifferent.
I nod.
He pauses to study me before he speaks again, his voice back to normal. “Let’s go get some grub and get to my place so we can make a game plan and sleep.”
I nod again and grab my purse. I reach for the door, but before I can open it, Caspian’s hand shoots past my shoulder from behind me and holds it closed.
The air gets caught in my lungs as I turn to find my face a mere inch from his and his breath skates over my skin. Heat swirls in my body and my heart pounds frantically in my chest at his proximity.
“He will not get to you, Lara. Not while you’re with me.” he says with a certain cockiness that makes my insides twist in an unfamiliar way.
My eyes lift from his mouth to hold his gaze and I nod lightly.
Caspian leans back, removing his hand from the door so that I can open it. It’s a long moment before my nerves calm enough and the three of us file out of my office.
We drive for fifteen minutes until we reach a small pub with music playing. Caspian glances in the back at Dan, “Can you stay put for an hour or so while we get food?”
Dan huffs and his ears twitch backwards.