Page 57 of Shadows Of Dusk
I nod with relief and rub both girls’ backs soothingly, his eyes track the movement and soften.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” he asks, tearing his eyes from the girls to meet my gaze.
“I wouldn’t have been able to leave without it,” I say to him softly.
“Or without them.” He responds, and I fall silent.
We hear shouting inside the house and things slamming, making both girls flinch at every noise.
I bend down to be level with them and hold them to me, whispering quietly, “Let’s walk a bit further away to get away from the noise okay?”
Both girls nod and quiet down as we slowly walk a few paces from the house, Caspian trails silently behind us with quick glances back to make sure we aren’t being followed.
As we get to the road, I lean down to look at both girls, “So you know my name is Lara, this is Caspian. What are your names?”
Caspian gives an awkward wave to the children as they look at him.
“I’m May, she’s Rose.” The older girl, May, says with a sniffle. Rose glances at me and nods.
“Well, May and Rose. I’m so sorry for what you two have gone through. We’re going to get you somewhere safe though, okay?”
May nods but squeezes my hand tightly. Rose lets go of May, moving in front of Caspian and looks up at him, “Thank you.” She says with a hoarse voice and throws her arms around his legs in a hug.
Caspian’s head jerks back ever so slightly as he looks at me with wide eyes and I suppress a laugh.
It only takes a few more minutes before a black SUV pulls up as Rose holds Caspian’s hand as I grip tightly to May’s.
Caspian nods at the driver before opening the rear passenger door to let May, Rose and I hop into the back as Caspian seats himself in the front. The driver is a lean, broad shouldered man with dirty blonde hair, he gives us a warm smile as we settle in.
“Lara, May, Rose… this is Lionel. Lionel, meet Lara and our newest friends May and Rose.” He points to us as he finishes the introduction and I return a small smile. May squeezes my hand as she and Rose give a meek hello.
“I have a contact nearby, she and her husband work special cases like this. We’ll head there first.” Caspian keys in an address to the GPS and the SUV starts to move.
It doesn’t take long before we turn off of the main road, and I can’t help but notice Rose and May visibly tense which makes my chest tighten.
Thankfully, the large white house we pull up to is welcoming with enormous windows, flowers of various colors in front of a wide porch with four rocking chairs.
A large oak tree shades over part of the grass and along the side behind the fence, horses are grazing and drinking water. Both girls look at the giant creatures with awe, and I find myself smiling at their reactions.
Lionel puts the car in park, and we filter out as we follow closely behind Caspian. Each girl takes one of my hands as he skips steps up the porch to ring the doorbell.
A few moments later, the door opens revealing a typical southern bell looking woman gazing at us with bright blue eyes that crinkle at the sides from too much laughter. Her luscious blond hair curled past her shoulders over her yellow blouse, neatly tucked into her faded blue jeans.
“Welcome, welcome! Any friends of Caspian’s are friends of ours!” She looks at the girls and I with a warmth I’d imagine every mother should have.
It sends a pang of sadness into my chest that I’d never known someone like this, but I’m thankful May and Rose will.
“Well you gals look like you could use a warm bath and some food, huh?” She turns to me and for the first time I see the note of worry in her eyes, “I’ll show you to the washroom if you’ll get them cleaned up? I’ll bring some new clothes for them before you’re done.”
I nod and look at the girls with a soft smile, “Let’s go wash that dust and grime off you.” Their tiny hands squeeze mine, and we follow Caspian’s friend down the hall as he and Lionel converse quietly.
After a shower, both girls’ bruises are stark contrast against their fair skin, but their eyes are bright with hope.
What a wonder fresh clothes and washing up will do.
I rub my thumb over the amulet in my pocket as the girls get dressed. I decided to be moral support as they get themselves ready to give them a sense of independence.
May still helps Rose get dressed, but I have a feeling both of them prefer that for a semblance of normalcy.