Page 96 of Shadows Of Dusk
We arrive, and a sense of unease washes over me at the sight of the overwhelmingly crowded parking lot.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that an outlet mall in California would be this packed on a Saturday, yet I foolishly wished we’d be some of the few here. It’s not that I despise crowds, but recent events have left me feeling cautious and wary of people.
As we finally secure a parking spot near the entrance, my gaze shifts from Val to Darian, “What are we going to do with Val?” I ask.
Val huffs and puts his head down dramatically as Darian chuckles, “Like any good dog, he’s gonna stay here with the vehicle on while we go shopping.”
Val growls but doesn’t lift his head up, and I can’t hold back the laugh that escapes my throat. His ear flickers, but he remains motionless.
“Maybe we can grab you a giant pretzel or something from the food court.” His eyes lock onto mine the moment the word ‘pretzel’ leaves my lips and I burst into another laugh. He lets out a huff playfully, and shuts his eyes once more.
Darian and I step into the mall teeming with families and kids of various ages accompanied by their friends. All eyes seem to gravitate toward him with curiosity, given his towering stature that surpasses that of most men around us.
As we navigate the crowds, finding the nearest athletic wear store, a young lady in the store’s uniform approaches us when we step inside. Her smile holds a hint of apprehension but appears kind, “Is there anything I can help you two with today?”
“Ladies and mens athletic shirts, and shorts please.” Darian adopts a strictly business tone, and I bite the inside of my cheek to stifle a laugh.
“Right this way.”
She leads us at a brisk pace, navigating through the aisles until she finally stops, gesturing toward the men’s athletic clothing section with one arm. Then, she extends her other hand to point out the women’s athleticwear on the opposite side of the aisle.
“This side is the men’s section, and here is the women’s section,” she explains. “Feel free to let me know if you need any further assistance.”
With a smile, she heads back in the direction we came from. We both find gear for two days, one for a particularly warm day and one for a day that is cooler as we hike further up the mountain.
As we stand in line, three women ahead of us catch my attention with their repeated glances and hushed conversations. Over time, the whispers grow louder, reaching a point where I can actually hear them.
The brunette leans toward her companions, “Did you notice his eyes?”
“Yeah, and his scar! He’s so freaking hot.” The blonde responds.
“You should ask for his number!” The other brunette chimes in.
“Oh my god, no!” The blonde hisses back.
“Think that’s his girlfriend with him?” The first woman asks. The blonde glances over and responds with a scoff, “Doubt it. Who dyes their hair white?”
I pretend I don’t hear them and turn my head to gaze at clothes off to the side in an attempt to tune them out as they continue their tirade.
“Look at her ankles and wrists, she’s got red scars on them.” One of them says.
In my peripheral vision two girls turn slightly, trying poorly to be inconspicuous.
The blond gasps, “Oh my god. I bet it’s because she’s into freaky stuff.”
“What makes those kinds of marks?” One of the brunettes asks.
“It’s called bondage or something, I think.” The other brunette says.
“Maybe she is a whore or prostitute and one of her clients was into something crazy.” The blonde adds.
After a brief moment of silence, the line inches forward, causing a slight shuffle among the people. Eventually, the blonde breaks the blissful peace of quiet, “My money is on him being her personal trainer or friend and she’s a prostitute or something.” They all giggle.
I’m too sober to deal with this.
“You should go ask for his number, Hailey.” The brunette says as the other nods.
The blonde, Hailey, gasps dramatically, “Oh my god but what if that’s his girlfriend? That’ll be totally embarrassing for me!”