Page 98 of Shadows Of Dusk
Darian chuckles, heading to the other side of the food court while I get in line. Unsure of what to get, and whether Val will want any, I get a surplus of varieties and two large waters in to-go cups.
Heading across the seating area, I find an empty table nearby where Darian stands in line. I sit, place the spread of food down, and take a sip of water while I wait.
Darian’s line hasn’t shifted at all, so I turn on my phone to check my messages.
Candace:Hey! WE MISS YOU! Nothing special to report. We’re running tests still, but there’s diddly squat coming of the results outside of the flora we removed and monitored here. The one from the lake nearby is wilted slightly, the others are unchanged.
Henry:We are going to transplant from the lakes and see if the ones from the further locations grow stronger. Stay tuned!
Candace:Oh yeah, Claire called, and she was really pissed you missed your session. I told her you took a vacation, and she was ecstatic that you were taking time for yourself. She’s having me call her once you’re in the office to schedule a follow-up.
I grimace and text back.
Lara:Interesting news, good thinking on transplanting them. Make sure to take detailed notes and photos of your surroundings before and after. Don’t forget to test the soil composition ahead of time and after one through five weeks.
Lara:Also, thanks for the heads-up about Claire.
Lara:Think she’ll fall for it if I tell her I’m taking a permanent vacation?
The message displays as read instantly and Candace starts typing.
Candace:I think she would be concerned and would not fall for it at all. We all know you better than that, Lara.
Candace:When are you coming back?
I chew my lip while I think.
Lara:Perhaps a week, could be two. I’ll let you know once I have a better idea.
Candace:Alright hun, miss you! Stay safe!
I power my phone off, turning my attention to where Darian was in line.
Irritation wells up within me when I see the same group of women from the store earlier behind him, giggling with each other.
My eyes remain fixed on the scene unfolding before me as Hailey steps forward and places her hand on Darian’s arm. He tilts his head, angling his gaze over his shoulder, his striking white eye meeting hers, and his eyebrow arching inquisitively.
I watch her as she engages in conversation with him, and he responds with a dry, dismissive laugh, before shaking his head.
A mixture of jealousy and anger surges through me as I witness her head tilting, and her fingers trace down his arm.
My emotions subside as he firmly grabs her hand and squeezes until she yelps before he discards it to the side. I catch a glimpse of his enraged expression as he utters something to her, then turns away to place the order for Val’s pretzel.
Hailey turns to her friends crying, and they rush to hug her in a supportive manner, rubbing her hand soothingly as they whisper to one another.
Well, that was unexpected.
Darian steps aside to wait for Val’s pretzel, as the three girls turn away, seemingly abandoning the desire for pretzels. I findmyself in their path as they make their way to the opposite side of the food court.
The brunette notices me first, whispering something to the others as they all shift their gaze to me. Hailey stomps up to the table and looks down at me.
“Your boyfriend is an asshole and a psycho! You should leave him, you deserve better than that.”
I blink and cock my head in confusion, “What?”
Boyfriend? I deserve better?!