Page 28 of The Royal Princess
Eloise nestled into his embrace, her spirits buoyed by his presence, as they stood in silent reverence for the beauty before them and the shared journey ahead.
ELOISE STOOD ON THE dais, her palms slightly moist despite the cool air that wafted through the high windows of the orphanage's grand hall. The children before her were a patchwork quilt of eager eyes and scruffy uniforms, but beyond them, in the shadows where the adults lingered, she caught snippets of less inviting expressions.
"Each of you is a story waiting to unfurl," she began, her voice clear. "And in this place, you are given the pen to sketch your future." Her gaze swept over the children, each nod or smile bolstering her confidence.
The speech continued. Eloise's tone remained steady even as she sensed the undercurrent of disapproval from certain corners of the room. She spoke of unity and new beginnings, yet the whispers at the back carried a different tale—one of skepticism, a reluctance to embrace the change she represented.
After concluding her address amid polite applause, Eloise navigated the sea of small bodies, pausing to exchange pleasantries, to marvel at drawings, to laugh at the unabashed questions only children dared to ask.
EVENING FOUND HER ALONE in the vast expanse of her new chamber, the echoes of the day heavy in her heart. Bernard had been occupied with matters of state, and the distance of their first day apart clung to her like a shroud.
"Bernard," Eloise whispered when he finally entered, his silhouette framed by the doorway as if he were both arriving from and receding into a world where she felt increasingly out of place. "I fear the people of Allenia do not take kindly to me."
She watched his face, searching for the light-hearted quip she hoped would dispel her doubt, but she found none. He closed the space between them.
"Eloise, it is no easy feat for a nation to open its heart to someone new," Bernard said, his voice low and soothing like a balm. "But they will see in you what I have always seen—a princess, full of grace and fire. Together, we shall win them over, one skeptical heart at a time."
Eloise allowed herself a small smile, finding solace in his unwavering belief. "One heart at a time," she echoed.
Bernard reached for her hand. Eloise marveled at how his presence alone could transform the cavernous room into an intimate cocoon.
Eloise found herself wrapped in his embrace, the strength in his arms offering a silent promise to shield her from the chill of disapproval that had settled in her bones.
"Ah, but perhaps we should conduct a thorough investigation to ensure your charms remain potent?" Bernard teased as he led her toward the grand bed, its covers turned down in anticipation of their nightly reprieve.
"An investigation?" she quipped. "And what shall be our methodology, Your Highness?"
"Empirical evidence, my dear," he replied as he pressed her gently onto the silk sheets. "We shall test the hypothesis with...repeated experimentation."
Eloise's heart fluttered. He leaned over her, the heat of his breath grazing her skin, igniting a fire that promised to consume all doubts.
"Let us begin," he whispered against her lips before sealing their pact with a kiss that was both an end and a beginning.
As they moved together in a rhythm as ancient as time, each whisper and caress was a wordless vow. Within the sanctity of their chamber, they found a refuge from the world.
They lingered in the afterglow, the tapestries on the walls standing sentinel to their joy. In Bernard's arms, Eloise felt the stirrings of courage—the courage to face a kingdom with her head held high and her heart fortified by the love of her prince.
"Let them doubt," she thought, as sleep began to claim her, nestled securely against the man who was both her husband and her champion. "For in this chamber, we speak a language all our own."
Chapter Thirteen
Eloise's idle wanderings through the cobwebbed corridors of the crown estate had led her to a narrow, spiraling staircase that led up to the attic. Her curiosity had her climbing the stairs. She brushed aside the curtain of dust that seemed to shroud the past, her fingers tracing the grain of the wooden banister, aged and worn like the secrets it kept.
As she emerged into the attic, she spotted an oddity—an unassuming tapestry that hung askew on the far wall.
She approached. A gentle tug and the tapestry fell away, revealing a door so cleverly concealed that one might think it the stuff of fanciful tales and not the stark reality in which it stood. Eloise turned the handle and stepped inside.
The hidden chamber was a trove of whispers made tangible. Maps unfurled across tables depicted regions fraught with tension between Theron and Allenia, lines drawn in bold strokes, marking territories and strategies. Documents, some with seals broken in haste, littered every surface, and more curiously, a collection of items one might find in the hands of rebels—daggers with hilts worn from use, missives scrawled in code, and banners filled with dissidence.
Eloise's throat tightened as her gaze fell upon a parchment that bore a wax seal she knew all too well—the crest of Bernard, her husband. Her fingers, which only moments ago danced with the thrill of discovery, now hesitated. She unfolded the letter with care.
"Dearest Bernard," the script began. The words that followed wove a tale of conspiracy and brotherhood, hinting at Bernard's role amidst the unrest, his name entwined with those who challenged the crown's authority.
How could the man who held her with such tender affection by night, plot with shadows by day? Yet here lay evidence that clawed at the very fabric of her trust, demanding she face the possibility that her marriage was entangled in a web far more complex than the union of two hearts.
"Bernard, what have you done?" she whispered to the emptiness, half-expecting the walls to answer the question that burned upon her tongue. Her mind, a battlefield of love and suspicion, grappled with the notion that the man she shared her soul with could harbor secrets dark enough to tear nations apart.
Eloise folded the letter with a delicacy that contradicted the chaos churning within her chest. She tucked the parchment into the folds of her dress, a weight heavier than its physical presence warranted, and stepped back into the light, her heart encased in ice, her resolve steeled for the confrontation that awaited.