Page 16 of Bound By Bronx
Oh, God. This is so wrong. I'm not supposed to be doing this. But I don't stop. Ican'tstop. I rock my hips against the pillow, using it to get myself off as he growls filthy things in my ear.
"I should have made you watch tonight," he says, a hitch in his breath that makes me wild. "You're the reason I'm this fucking hard, Dilemma. You and that fucking dress and that perfect little cunt. Goddamn." He growls wordlessly. "I'm going to wreck that gorgeous body when it's my turn to play."
"Yes," I gasp, giving him permission to do whatever he wants to do to me. I want him to do his worst. Right now, I need it more than I need air. I don't care what that says about me or about him. I don't care what anyone thinks. I want this man all over me and I don't want to stop when the weekend ends.
If loving this makes me bad, then so be it. I'll be filthy for him.
"I'm eating both of your little holes tomorrow, Dilemma," he growls. "And then I'm giving you exactly what you want."
"W-what do I want?"
"Me all over you while you're tied down and helpless." He groans as if he finds the thought just as intoxicating, just as enthralling, as I do. "I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do to you, and you're going to love it, aren't you?"
"Yes," I sob, rocking faster against the pillow as I imagine that very thing. "Oh, God, yes, Bronx." Does he have any idea how much I want it? It has to be him. Nothing and no one else will suffice. Nothing and no one else will fix the ache he brought roaring to life inside me. Only he can do it.
For the first time, I admit to myself just how deep this goes. And my god, the power this man has is vast. I could have spent all night inside the club and it wouldn't have mattered. I could have sat in the same booth and watched the same show, andfelt nothing. Without him by my side, it would have simply been that…a show.
He's the thing I was running toward. He's the thing I was searching for. He's what I needed to find so desperately. Not independence or proof for the world that I'm not a kid but this man and this feeling. This is what I needed so damn badly.
"Are you touching my pussy?" he growls.
"N-no," I choke out, grinding against the pillow. Clawing at the bed. Losing my freaking mind. "P-pillow. God, Bronx. P-please. Come with me."
"Ah, fuck. You're humping a pillow? You've got that gorgeous ass in the air riding a pillow right now?" He sounds equal parts pissed and turned on. "Come," he snaps. "Right fucking now, Dilemma."
He doesn't have to tell me twice.
I bite the blankets to try to quiet my cries as I come hard, my hips still rocking against the pillow, working out every last ounce of pleasure. His groan rips down the phone line, long and low and so freaking sexy, and I know he's coming with me.
I squeeze my eyes closed, imagining him here with me right now, his hands in my hair and his body sheltering mine as he comes all over me. A mini-orgasm quakes through me, leaving me gasping for breath.
I fall to the bed, breathing hard.
"You okay, Dilemma?" he asks, his voice soft and warm, so full of affection it makes my toes curl.
"Perfect," I whisper.
"Yeah, you are."
I'm going to fall for this man so hard.
I feel for the phone, pulling it close. "Are you very mad?"
My heart sinks, tears springing to my eyes. "I'm sorry. I tried so hard to follow your rules, but you sounded so good, Bronx. I c-couldn't help it."
"Fuck my rules," he snarls. "I'm not mad at you, Dilemma. I'm pissed at myself."
"What?" I blink. "Why?"
"Because you're so fucking hot for it you just got off on your pillow when it could have been me. It should have been me." Oh, he is mad. He sounds like thunder rumbling in this distance. "Next time, you won't be riding a pillow, Gemma. It'll be my tongue and my cock."
"Bronx? I like this plan. I like it a lot."
"Yeah?" The smile in his voice makes me smile. "Then you should get some sleep, beautiful. Because you won't be getting any tomorrow night."
Chapter Five