Page 49 of Bound By Bronx
"She said they never fight."
All four men share a look before laughing loudly, clearly in on some joke that I don't about. I scowl at Garrett until he decides to clue me in.
"They always say they don't fight."
"Usually in the middle of a fight," Xavier mutters.
"And then they make up before they get into another fight."
"It's a sister thing." Razor shrugs. "Damn near every set of sisters on the planet does it. The best thing you can do is stay the hell out of it and let them sort it out."
I'm not entirely convinced they know what the fuck they're talking about. This one seems serious. Gemma cried most of the night, afraid she was going to lose her family. But her sisters are at my house right now, so maybe these four aren't total idiots.
Christ, I hope they're not. I can tolerate a lot. But watching the woman I love fall apart and being helpless to fix it is a special kind of torment. I'm supposed to be the one who protects her and keeps her safe. But this time, I can't. This time, she has to see that she was the one with the power to fix it all along.
All I can do is ride it out and pray to God her sisters come through for her.
Chapter Twelve
The bed bounces as someone calls my name.
"Jeez. This bed is huge. Do you think he special ordered it?"
"Probably. I don't think they sell beds for giants at the mattress store."
My eyes pop open as my sisters' voices register.
"Oh!" Charlie cries. "She's awake."
Four sets of eyes stare down at me.
"I'm naked," I whisper, the first words that pop into my head. They seem relevant.
Leia cracks a smile. Charlie cracks up. Adalynn and Heidi both giggle.
And I burst into tears.
All four of my sisters immediately pile onto the bed, trapping me under the covers as they fling themselves at me, talking over each other. I don't understand a word they say. But I understand one thing. They're here right now, hugging me like they're never going to let go.
"I t-thought you were g-going to h-h-hate me," I manage to say.
"Gemma," Adalynn whispers, wiping beneath my eyes. Hers are damp too. "We could never hate you."
"Never," Leia says vehemently.
"You're my best friend," Charlie cries.
"Hey, I thought I was your best friend." Heidi pokes her in the ribcage.
"You are my best friend." Charlie tells us all the same thing. And she means it every time she says it. It's one of the things I love most about her.
"I'm sorry," I whisper.