Page 17 of Your One
I had come back to my loft to pack for my flight to Miami. I was going to the concert, and hopefully, I would be able to attend Nate’s game the next night. I didn’t tell him I would be there, and he didn’t ask. Our conversation from the other night had remained easy and laid-back, and we ended up talking for nearly two hours.
He was starting to fall asleep, but I still had to insist that he got some rest. I had enjoyed getting to know him. Knowing how close he was to his family was an extreme plus for me. I wanted to bring up Jessica, but I decided to save that for another time. My past issue was still causing ruckus, doing his best to disturb my fucking peace, like he wasn’t the one who threw what we had away.
I kept packing like I didn’t hear a thing, placed a call to request a squad car to my residence, then texted Nate.Good morning. I hope your day has started well.
My flight would be leaving in a few hours so I could get to practice tomorrow morning. I was only going to be on stage for two songs, the two songs Noah and TAZ did together. After getting my carry-on bag together and putting my toiletries in my luggage, my phone started ringing. It was Nate.
“Good morning, Nate.”
“Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep?”
Before I could respond, Arik started banging on the door again. I rolled my eyes as Nate asked, “What was that?”
“He’s been banging on my door for the past fifteen minutes. I came here to get clothes,” I said, not wanting to reveal I was packing for Miami.
“Have you called the police?”
“Yes. Right before I texted you. They should be here soon. I’m sick of dealing with him. We haven’t really had a calm conversation for closure, but I can’t stand to look at him long enough to do that.”
“Why don’t you do it by phone like he did?”
“That’s an idea. We yelled at one another nearly the entire time he was here two nights ago. I just want to be done with him. I told him I was done with him, but he insists that I’m too vulnerable to make permanent decisions,” I said while rolling my eyes.
There was another knock, and I heard, “Ma’am, it’s Chicago PD.”
“Why don’t you call me back after you handle your business? I’ll pack for my flight while I wait to hear back from you.”
“Okay, Nate. Talk to you soon.”
I ended the call as I made my way to the door. When I looked through the peephole, I saw Arik standing there with two police officers. The minute I opened the door, he said, “I can’t believe you called the police.”
“I told you, Tuesday, that I would if you came back. I want to be done with you and your cheating ass, Dr. Matthews.”
I said his professional name so the officers would know who he was. The officers looked at him, and one of them stayed with him at the door as the other followed me to the bar area. “Hello, ma’am. Are you Kenya Zenith?”
“Yes, sir. I called to get him escorted away from here and to file a restraining order.”
“Okay. I take it that there was a recent breakup.”
“Yes. I broke up with him Tuesday, and he wouldn’t leave. This is my residence. He was here for two hours. He would have been here longer had my mama not shown up. I had been telling him to leave since he’d first gotten here, and he refused. I told him if he showed up here again, I would call the police. He’s been here for twenty minutes or a little longer.”
“Is this your residence only, or did the two of you share it at some point?”
“This is my place. Let me get the lease information.”
I walked away as I noticed the other officer speaking to Arik. Both officers were documenting. It didn’t matter what Arik said. I didn’t want him on my property or anywhere near me, period. After retrieving the lease agreement from my file cabinet, I made my way back to the officer that was taking my report and handed it to him.
Once he read over it, he asked permission to snap a picture of it. I didn’t care what he took a picture of, as long as it would serve as proof to keep Arik away from me. He then began filling out more paperwork for the restraining order and had me sign the portions I needed to sign. After all that was done, he stared at me, like he was trying to figure out who I was.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Are you related to the singer, TAZ?”
“Yes, sir. That’s my sister.”
“I thought you looked familiar. You sing background for her sometimes, right?”