Page 21 of Your One
I closed my eyes briefly and took a deep breath as I nodded, and the crowd applauded. I turned to Noah and hugged him tightly. This moment had freed me emotionally. It felt like I was sharing all those moments with my dad, and I was beyond happy that it was an issue that I was now at peace with.
As soon as the songs I was singing background for were done, I made my way to VIP to be with Nate. That song Noah had done for his father was beautiful and had brought me to tears. I didn’t even know the man, but looking at the slides Noah had put together made me feel like I was a part of all the momentous moments that flashed on the screen. I knew Nate probably felt the exact same way.
Seeing him come apart on stage was so emotional. The fact that I could relate to what he was feeling only made me want to get to him even more. Relaxing in his arms nearly all evening yesterday was so romantic. Feeling him softly kiss my cheek or shoulders as we talked made me feel cherished as a woman. He was perfect for me. His mother needed to be thanked for playing a vital part in who he had become.
My heart was still on my sleeve. I’d been vulnerable because of my situation, but having Nate in my space felt so right. We talked about nearly everything, and nothing about that felt weird to me. I was comfortable baring my soul to him, giving him all of me without him even asking me to. Freedom in love was powerful, and I was experiencing all the love he had to offer in a short time.
His aura was powerful when he allowed you access to it, and I loved that everyonedidn’thave access to it. He reserved it for the woman he felt passion for. I was blessed to be that woman at this moment, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. With what had happened, having his assurance and tenderness kept me sane. It kept me from doubting myself and what I had to offer. He told me he wanted to overdose on my goodness, and that shit produced a shiver all over my body.
When I got to VIP, I saw Nate standing close to the railing, vibing with Noah. I quickly made my way to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. He didn’t face me right away. He grabbed my hands and lowered his head to kiss them. I could feel him take a deep breath as I rested my head on his back. This felt like a dream I never wanted to wake up from.
He turned around slowly as Noah ended the song he was performing and leaned over and kissed my lips. “Those runs you hit in the background were fire, baby. You have a gift. I need you to sing to me later. Your voice comforts my soul.”
“Gladly. Whatever I can do to bring you peace, I’ll do.”
He gave me a soft smile then turned back around, pulling me in front of him as Noah began his next song. I thought my sister was blessed when God led Noah her way, and had prayed for the same thing, thinking Arik was the one. However, Nate was proving that I had it all wrong. He swayed behind me, and I could feel his dick hardening. I’d felt it yesterday when I was resting against him at the poolside. The man was blessed beyond measure, but I didn’t expect anything less, being that he was six ten.
His hands rested on my hips as I subtly rolled them against him. I closed my eyes as I felt him lean over to my ear. “Listen, baby. I’m trying not to move too fast with you, but you making this shit hard. I wanna show you intimacy without breaching your gate to heaven, but damn if I don’t wanna lick those streets of gold.”
A chill surged through my body as I turned to him and slid my hands up his chest. “As long as it doesn’t feel forced, I’m with it. Every moment with you has felt natural. I refuse to let my doubts about timing, bad relationships, and self-worth get in the way of my happiness. As long as you’re an addition to my happiness, timing isn’t important. I feel your sincerity and genuineness, so let’s not hold anything back.”
I closed my eyes as he lowered his face to mine and gave me the tenderest kiss I’d ever received from anyone. When I felt my body lift, I pulled away slightly. He’d picked me up, and his arms were wrapped around my thighs, right beneath my ass. I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him again as he swayed to Noah’s music. “You Need a Different Breed” was one of my favorites by him.
Most of these dudes just tryna pull ya panties to the side
I want that and mo’
I’m talking get in your mind
Make love to your dreams
And fondle your thoughts
And just like that, I was gushy between my legs. Nate’s hands had drifted to my ass as I kissed him with a passion I hadn’t released in months.God, what am I doing? Do I really wanna take us to this level?
Nate pulled away from me and closed his eyes for a moment. Lowering me to my feet, he grabbed my hand and led me to a seat while the entire arena was still turned up. When he sat, he pulled me down on his lap. His mama was nursing a drink and grooving in her seat. She gave me a wink as I smiled at her.
I brought my attention back to Nate to find him staring at me. His gaze was so intense I literally wanted to straddle him right here in front of his mother.My God.I was so glad Arik fucked up. This man was going to be my undoing.
He slid his hand to my ass and said in my ear, “I’m not willing to go where Ithinkyou’re taking us without a verbal confirmation that this is what you want. I’m sick of casual ass sex. If my dick enters your life, so does the rest of me. I need to know if you ready for something serious. I am. I been fiending for the shit, honestly. You just got out of a relationship, no matter how pathetic and fucked up it was. Make sure you take all the time you need foryou. Allow your heart time to recuperate, because mine can’t sustain another break so soon.”
I stared into his eyes, doing my best to ease his doubts. “I’m ready, Nate. Like I told you before, I left Arik emotionally months ago. Before he called that day, he’d texted, saying he wasn’t going to make it to Baltimore. I’d told TAZ about how unhappy I was about us never spending time together. He was always ‘working’ or at some conference or seminar. There was rarely ever much time for me. I’m ready for something real. Everything about you feels real. It’s no accident that we are both here in this moment.”
I gently rubbed his cheek with my hand as I heard RJ say something in the mic, causing the crowd to laugh. Nate and I couldn’t be further away from what was going on. We were so wrapped up in one another, someone would have to come pull me off him for me to notice them. The only thing that made me hesitant or somewhat nervous about him was that he seemed too good to be true.
No one was perfect, but Nate hadn’t exhibited one single flaw. This conversation we were having, even amidst all the noise, proved just how perfect he was. He wanted to make sure I understood his position to where there would be no confusion later. I’d never had a man make the extra effort to clarify things between us. If I gave a green light, they ran through it with gusto, whereas Nate wanted to proceed with caution.
He nodded his head repeatedly, then said, “Well, let’s enjoy ourselves for now. We came to see a show, and Noah and RJ are down there putting on one. We can table this for another time. Just know that I’m feeling the fuck out of you, and I’m gon’ make sure you feeling every inch of me too.”
My body shuddered as he stood with me in his arms. When he set me on my feet, I noticed Taryn standing next to me. She’d finally made her way to VIP. I knew she would be making her way backstage before the show was over to sign autographs though. I smiled at her, but her weak attempt at reciprocating didn’t slide past me. I looped my arm through hers and asked, “You okay?”
She shook her head as Noah stared up at us. I wasn’t sure what happened at that moment, but he stopped the show and walked off stage. “Taryn! What’s wrong?”
“Mr. Brooks passed away. Noah’s grandfather died.”