Page 34 of Your One
I nodded in agreement. This was some shit. I was thankful Arik had risked his freedom to come find me to tell me about it, although he could have mailed it like he did that other pitiful letter. I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Taryn to tell her what he’d said, and she assured me she would be on the next thing smoking to Chicago. She needed to be here for the meeting in the morning, then she would get a flight out the same day.
Maybe my time with Arik was worth more than I thought. We were supposed to meet and have a relationship for this very reason. While I had my phone in my hand, I sent Nate a text message.Hey, baby. I have a lot going on. It will be later when I can call.
There was a knock at the door, so I went to it to see Officer Atwater. I opened the door and allowed him and his partner inside to update my restraining order. I just hoped Arik wasn’t playing games with me. The police would be arresting me for fucking him up instead of him if he was.
When I walked into the arena in Sacramento, I didn’t feel as great. That shit had nothing to do with my concussion though. I hadn’t talked to Kenya since day before yesterday. After I received the text about her calling me later, I didn’t hear from her that night. I passed out because I had an early flight to Cali. The first thing I did when I woke up was look at my phone to see if I’d missed her call, and there was nothing.
Yesterday, I still didn’t hear from her, and I was worried. She was supposed to be joining me here in Sacramento, but since I hadn’t heard from her, I was sure she had missed the flight. I called Noah, and he said Taryn had flown out to Chicago the night before. That only increased my nerves.
When he told me what was going on and the reason her ex had gone to her mother’s house, I felt for Kenya and just wanted her to reach out and let me know that she was okay. I tried to give her space because of what was going on with her yesterday, but here it was, after four in the evening, west coast time, and I hadn’t heard a peep.
I grabbed my phone and sent a text to her.Kenya, baby, please don’t shut me out. I know you are going through a lot right now, but please let me know that you are okay. I’m worried, baby.
Right after I hit send, a text came through from her. I supposed she was texting me as I texted her. I breathed out a sigh of relief.
Hi, Nate. I’m so sorry for my silence. It seems that I’m grieving the loss of a father I don’t even remember. With all the information we were given regarding the record company and the shit that happened to my dad, there is speculation about whether he committed suicide at all. He could have been murdered, since he’d been in a heated argument with someone that night. I’m so sorry I shut you out. That wasn’t my intent. I lay in bed all day yesterday with my mama, consoling her and trying to keep it together for her, only to come undone later.
It's so much to handle, and we’re in the process of hiring an attorney to take our case with the information we’ve been given. I was in the studio this morning and practically all afternoon with the other background singers for the Ledisi gig next month. I miss you, and I just want to lay in your arms, letting you console me in only a way you can. Call me after the game. I’ll be watching. Are you playing?
I lowered the phone for a moment, thankful that she was feeling my absence as much as I was feeling hers. My mind was starting to take me through all the negative possibilities about moving so fast. Jessica had even crossed my mind, thinking Kenya was going back to her ex and going to hurt me the same way Jess did. It seemed I was suffering heartbreak, because I gave too much too soon to the wrong people.
Lifting my phone again, I responded.Thank God you’re okay. I’m not playing tonight. I was so worried I gave myself a headache, and I knew I wouldn’t be focused on the game without hearing from you. Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for what you’re going though about your dad. Is it okay if I fly out to meet you in the morning? I have a three-day break before the next game.
I’m so sorry I stressed you out, Nate. You can absolutely come to me. I can’t wait to see you.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as my phone vibrated again in my hand. It was a message from Noah.Hey, bruh. Have a good game tonight. Let me know what your schedule is like two weeks from now. I’d like to take you to visit your grandfather in H-Town. We can go right after my Baton Rouge show.
I’d have to get back with him later on that. By then, we would be in the playoffs. We only had this game and another game before the post season started. I responded,I’ll let you know for sure tomorrow.
He responded immediately, but I didn’t open it, just so I would remember to respond tomorrow. As I made my way to the arena, a couple of people stopped me and wished me well. I was thankful for the love I received from players as well as coaches and execs. My mind drifted back to Kenya and what she was going through. I was prepared to hear my mother’s mouth when she didn’t show up to sit with her.
I would have to defend Kenya, and that would also be a perfect time to talk to my mama about her behavior when Kenya was with me a week ago. After I sat, several kids came up to me for autographs, and I obliged them. I didn’t have to be here this early since I wasn’t playing. Honestly, I didn’t have to be here at all, but it wasn’t like me to not be here, rooting for my teammates.
I’d gotten injured before about three years ago, not long after I had made it to the pros. It was only a broken finger, so I showed up to all the games until I could play again. That proved my loyalty and devotion to my team. That would serve me in the long run when it would come time to negotiate my contract. Although I wasn’t the superstar, I was a vital part of our young team. They looked up to me and had all nominated me to be the team captain, despite LeClaren’s stardom.
He was a humble guy. He was cool with me being the captain. Leading our team to victory was all that mattered to him. He averaged forty points a game. We were the Michael and Scotty duo for our team. People actually referred to us in that way. One announcer had compared us to Shaq and Kobe but without all the drama. I could only chuckle. Our dynamic was nothing like that. I knew my role. I wasn’t trying to be the team’s franchised player.
I went back to Kenya’s message and replied.I can’t wait to see you either. I’ll call you after the game.
I went to my phone and booked a flight for early tomorrow morning. She and I would have to have a talk about my expectations in our relationship. I wasn’t cool with her going silent, not with me. I should be the one person she wanted to talk to, even if it was a simple text saying she was okay.
“Doyou think it’s wise for you to be so caught up with this woman? She didn’t show up to your game after you bought her a plane ticket. That was a waste of money, Nate. Are you sure she isn’t using you or just with you for who you are in the sports world?”
My mama had come to my room when I texted her to tell her about my flight to Chicago. I figured I would be gone by the time she saw it. I didn’t get to talk to her last night after the game. One of her friends had met her there, and they had gone out to dinner. I was out for the count by the time she got in last night.
“Ma, her sister is TAZ. Her brother-in-law is Noah. She has a career in music. Being with me wouldn’t benefit her at all.”
“Yes, it would, son. It would give her more attention. Unless she got in some sort of trouble, the media wouldn’t be interested in her. However, being with you would put a spotlight on her. People would start researching her to see who she was. I just don’t want you to get hurt, baby.”
“Listen. I’m close to thirty-three years old, Ma. I don’t need you acting like a jealous ex-girlfriend when I bring a woman around. It’s been me and you for a long time, so I understand. However, my heart is attaching itself to Kenya. I feel like she’s genuine, and I need you to respect her as the woman in my life. None of that nice nasty shit you did last weekend. She’s a nice woman and didn’t deserve your shadiness. Believe me, she sensed it.”
“So, she talked to you about me? That could be her trying to kick me off the scene.”
“No one can alienate you but you when it comes to me. I need you to respect my decisions as a grown man. She offered to leave to make you more comfortable. I insisted that she stayed. She’s a good woman, and she needs me right now… emotionally. She’s going through some things, dealing with her father’s estate, which is another thing that would offer her plenty of attention. She’s the daughter of a renowned singer, musician, and musical genius. So, if I’m gonna fall flat on my face, let me. It won’t be the first time. I have to explore our chemistry. I feel like Kenya is the one for me, and as long as she is respectful to you, I expect you to be on board. If not, it will be your loss.”