Page 40 of Your One
“She’s doing good, and she’ll be happy to know that you remembered her name. She’s a true fan. We’re having a little boy.”
“Damn. Congratulations, man. I’m sure you’re happy about that.”
“I am. I was happy regardless. I’ll let you know when the wedding will be. She wants to wait until after the baby is born.”
“Okay. Let me know.”
“Talk to you later.”
“A’ight, man.”
I ended the call and sat for a moment. Jess was having a difficult time for a totally different reason. I knew that she was having a tough time, but I thought she was over that, especially when she told me she couldn’t talk to me anymore or give me permission to be where she was. So now I knew that was totally for Brixton’s benefit.
However, I noticed something different. While my body had heated up slightly when I thought about her, I didn’t feel flutters like I used to. She was indeed leaving me, and Kenya was filling all the voids her absence had created. Kenya was so much more than I thought she would be, and I had high expectations. She’d exceeded them all.
After I got settled, I texted her to let her know I was home and would call her a little later. She responded with a simple,Okay.
Taking my luggage to my room, I opened it to begin unpacking. When I opened it, there was an envelope right on top. I frowned slightly, trying to figure out when and how it got there.Kenya.I opened it to find eight crisp one-hundred-dollar bills and a note. I opened it to read what she had to say, although I had a clue.
I am so sorry about the wasted airline ticket. I told you I would reimburse you. I’m pretty sure you’d gotten me a first-class ticket. This is the rate right now. If it costed more, I’ll be happy to give you the rest. I appreciate you more than you know. I can’t wait to write this type of letter in the future to where I can say how much I love you. However, I feel like that will be coming soon. Talk to you soon.
I slowly shook my head, then grabbed my phone and texted,Kenya…
There was no way I would keep her money, even if I had to sneak it back to her the way she’d done to me. She didn’t respond or call, so I continued unpacking, taking shit to the laundry room to start a load. Afterward, I lay on my oversized sofa to get a nap in. While I was in Chicago, I spent more time in Kenya’s pussy than I did sleeping. She was addictive—that was for sure. I knew that I would be flying her to me as soon as possible.
The ringing doorbellwoke me up. I was grateful for that because a nigga had been asleep for damn near four hours. I was gonna be up all damn night, now. However, I rarely had visitors here in Dallas. My mama said she wasn’t coming until tomorrow, since Dallas wasn’t that far. I wiped my eyes and made my way to the door. For a moment, I thought my eyes were deceiving me since I was still groggy. I unlocked the door and flung it open to see my baby standing there.
She smiled big as I scooped her up in my arms. “Kenya! What are you doing here?”
“Well, our session for tomorrow got canceled about an hour after you left, so I got online and got a ticket out. I couldn’t miss this game after missing the last one.”
I laid my lips on hers, feeling so at peace with her in my arms. I lowered her to her feet and got her luggage to bring inside. “This house is beautiful, Nate. So, I assume you mostly stay here during basketball season.”
“Yeah, for the most part. One day, you gon’ be staying here during basketball season too.”
She blushed so hard. Her cheeks were extremely red. I pulled her close to me, after closing the door, and asked, “Why did they cancel practice?”
“Our chemistry was so good, none of us really saw a need to practice again so soon. They agreed that we would hit it hard two weeks before the show, which will be after… Taryn’s surprise party! I saw the message from Noah this morning. I was so wrapped up in you, I never checked my messages.”
She giggled, and I chuckled as well. “Same here. I saw it once I got home. I need to talk to you about something. When you mentioned the party, it reminded me.”
I saw the concern appear on her face through her lifted and scrunched eyebrows. Once we were seated on the sectional, I pulled her to me. “Jakari called me. Noah invited the Hendersons to the party, so Jessica will be there. I just want you to know that you are the woman I want. Although I was severely caught up with her for a whole damn year, her presence won’t threaten a thing. But I need to have a conversation with her.”
As I tried to read her expressions, I got confused. Whereas she looked somewhat worried by her facial expression, her demeanor seemed relaxed. I continued. “She’s been feeling guilty about breaking my heart. Literally to the point where she overthinks everything. I need to let her know it’s okay. Because of what she did, it allowed me to be available for you at a time you needed me. Things happened just the way they were supposed to.”
She brought her hand to my cheek and gently caressed it with her thumb. “I trust you, Nate. For a while, I didn’t understand how she could choose someone else over you with everything that you had to offer. But I get it now. She wasn’t who was meant for you. I was. I supposed God was waiting for us to stop doing our own thing so He could do His work.”
My eyebrows lifted as I nodded repeatedly. “I couldn’t have worded that any better, baby. Jessica doesn’t know that I want to speak with her, but I plan to reach out to her fiancé about it. The last thing I want is confusion. One thing I can pride myself on is keeping the peace where at all possible.”
She smiled at me as she gazed into my eyes. “There you go being perfect again. That’s very respectful and wise, baby.”
“Yeah. In other news, my mama will be here tomorrow. So you will be spending time with her before the game.”
“Okay. No worries. I’m respectful too.”