Page 43 of Your One
“Okay. I’ll just eat what you eat.”
I kissed his lips again then stood from the bed to put clothes on. “Damn, girl. I didn’t know you were naked under there.”
I smiled and bit my bottom lip. “Mm. I typically like sleeping naked unless I’m cold or in a hotel room alone. I’m the most comfortable in my birthday suit.”
“That’s good to know… I mean, for future references. I could have woken you up in other ways.”
I grinned at him as I slid on a T-shirt and some terrycloth shorts. He stood from the bed and grabbed my hand. I scooped up my phone from the nightstand and allowed him to lead me downstairs, discreetly taking a deep breath and praying I didn’t snap.
When we got to the sectional, his mom was seated there, watching TV. She looked at us and smiled. “Did you sleep well, Kenya?”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”
I wanted to add to that, but I was able to restrain myself. When I was about to sit next to Nate, he pulled me down to his lap and cradled me like a baby. He kissed my lips, then turned to his mother to ask if she wanted to order something. She told him what she wanted, then he called the order in. He ended up getting a chicken salad, so of course, I got the same. His mother ordered some type of po’ boy. I was doing my very best to tune her out as I relaxed in Nate’s arms.
They were having a conversation that I chose not to participate in, and it didn’t seem to bother either of them. When the doorbell rang, I stood from Nate’s lap so he could go to the door. I could see his mother roll her eyes at me in my peripheral. She could kiss my whole ass. I knew this ride in this car would be interesting as fuck. I’d be sure to bring my AirPods so I didn’t have to listen or talk to her.
When the door closed, I made my way to the table, getting to it the same time as Nate. He removed everything from the bag. My eyebrows lifted at the size of the salad. “Oh, wow! It’s a lot bigger than I thought!”
Nate chuckled. “Yeah, theyarepretty big. This is the only size the salads come in though.”
“Okay. How much was it so I can give your money to you?”
He frowned hard. I said that shit for his mother’s benefit. “Kenya, for real, man. Quit tripping. I’m tired of shuffling that plane ticket money around with you too. I told you to keep that shit. I’m not accepting money from you. Period. You ask again, I’m gon’ get real offended.”
He sounded offended now. Me trying to make a point to his mother had backfired. I lowered my head and said softly, “I’m sorry.”
“Come here,” he said somewhat roughly.
I walked to the other side of the table to him as his mother stared at us, seemingly happy that I’d irritated him. When I stood in front of him, he lifted my head by placing his fingers under my chin. After kissing my lips, he said, “Let me be your man, baby. I can take damn good care of you. I’ve told you that before. Please don’t make me have to say it again. Okay? You don’t have to prove your independence to me or no one else in this room,” he said as he glanced at his mother.
Shit.He knew she was behind my actions. I nodded. “Okay.”
I quickly sat in my seat like a scolded child, and he sat next to me. His mother had already dug into her food like we weren’t even in the room. “Damn. You couldn’t wait for me to bless the food?”
“I’m sorry, baby. I blessed my own. I was starving.”
He nodded then grabbed my hand. “Lord, thank You for this meal. Allow it to nourish us as You intended. Take out any impurities that may not be good for our health. Not just out of the food, but out of this house. Allow Kenya to know that no one else’s opinion of what we have matters. We know what this is and so do You. Thank You for blessing me with her. She’s your angel, and You couldn’t have blessed me with better. Amen.”
My face was hot as hell as he stared at his mother with a slight scowl on his face. I cleared my throat and dug into my salad without adding dressing. I was so damn nervous. I just wanted to stuff my mouth so I wouldn’t say anything else. Nate finally brought his attention to his food, pouring his dressing over it.
I grabbed his fork and attempted to feed him when his mother stood from the table and walked off. He opened his mouth and took it from me. After he finished chewing, I grabbed another forkful to feed him as he stared at me. I was trying to keep his mouth full so we didn’t have to talk about it. I didn’t want to talk about it before his game, although he was already irritated.
Once he took what I’d extended to him, he took his fork from me. “Eat yours, Kenya. I can feed myself, baby.”
I brought my hand to his cheek. I could see the disappointment in his eyes as he stared back at me. His irritation was evident, and I hated this for him. Lowering my hand, I decided to pour the dressing on my salad, and we ate in silence for a while. Once I closed the container it came in, I turned to him and said, “This was so good. Thank you, baby.”
“You’re welcome.”
He’d demolished his. Once he threw the container in the trash and I put mine in the fridge, I grabbed a bottle of water and gave him one too. He grabbed my hand and led me back upstairs. His spirit was so heavy. I could feel it. It had me heavy as well. Once we were inside his room, he removed his shirt and got in bed. I got in bed as well, being sure not to lie down. There was no way I could handle that on a full stomach.
Nate laid his head in my lap, and after a few minutes, he was sound asleep. His mother was pissed. I could see it all over her face before she got up from the table. Nate wasn’t a fool by far. He knew what his mother was doing. He probably knew before he even posed the question to me when he first got home. He had cameras all over this house. I wondered if they had sound. If they did, I just hoped he wouldn’t be upset that I lied to him. I was only thinking about his mental state for his game.
I played games on my phone while Nate slept, and by the time he woke up, it was time for him to get ready for his ride. He kissed me deeply. When he separated the kiss, I said, “Good luck on your game tonight, baby.”
“Thank you. Make sure you come courtside and give me a good luck kiss before the game starts. I’m gonna need it.”
I pulled him to me. “Don’t think about anything other than playing to the best of your abilities. During those three hours, nothing else matters. You got this, baby.”