Page 46 of Your One
“You remember what happened last time you ate it, don’t you?” Grandpa asked.
“Yeah, but I overdid it. I gotta have a taste. My pops know how to make it, but I haven’t had it in years.”
“Have a taste of what?”
There was no mistaking RJ’s voice. He’d walked in on the conversation as TAZ joined us with Brooklyn. “Oh! Hey, Mr. Guillory! How are you?” RJ said. “Knowing Noah, y’all must be talking about court-bouillon.”
“You are absolutely right. How are you, RJ?” he asked as he stood and shook his hand.
“I’m good. Y’all were talking about food, and that caught my attention. So, I missed all the action, huh?”
We all laughed, then Noah introduced TAZ and Brooklyn to him as I stared at my grandfather. I was close to my grandparents on my mama’s side growing up, but not so much now. It was like they didn’t want me to know my father either. They took my mom’s side on everything. I yearned to be close to them again, but it didn’t seem they wanted to be. I left well enough alone. So, to have my paternal grandfather sitting here, wanting to know me was somewhat overwhelming.
Finally, my grandfather asked RJ, “What action are you talking about?”
“Y’all two meeting. I already know Nate looked like a deer in headlights. Noah likes surprising people.”
I rolled my eyes and chuckled, and so did Grandpa. “Well, he did, somewhat. Had I not known, I would have looked the same way.”
“So, umm… do your other grandkids call you Grandpa?”
He nodded. “Yes. That’s what they call me. If you’re comfortable with it, you can call me that too.”
I nodded as I tried to keep the tears at bay. RJ helped when he tried to give me some tissue. Everybody burst into laughter as I playfully pushed him away from me, then snatched the tissue from him. I swore, that nigga didn’t miss a thing.
When TAZ walkedinto the venue, she looked genuinely surprised. We were all standing, singing happy birthday to her. To say it was such short notice, there were quite a few people in attendance—family, friends, and executives. I leaned over to Kenya and said, “She looks beautiful.”
“She really does. She thought they were going to dinner.”
I smiled. Raqui had picked up Brooklyn and me, telling TAZ that we were going to have fun of our own while she and Noah went to dinner. Since we were playing Washington, she didn’t question why I was there. She just assumed I was visiting because I was close by. I just knew she had figured out everything by now.
Grandpa and I had talked so much while he was at the house. I’d invited him to the game tomorrow since he wasn’t leaving until the day after, and he said he would be honored. He could see the similarities in the way my dad and I played basketball. I’d also gotten a chance to reach out to Brixton, Jessica’s fiancé. I could tell he was somewhat on edge when I called, probably because he didn’t know what I wanted.
I assured him that this conversation would be on the up and up. I also assured him that I wouldn’t disrespect him in no way, which was the reason for my call. He obviously knew I had talked to either Lennox or Jakari to even have his number. Once he was relaxed, he gave me his blessing to speak to her privately.
I glanced over to where they were seated and admired their beautiful princess. I was pretty sure that baby had set shit off on that plane. Before I could look away, her eyes met mine, and she gave me a slight smile. Jessica Monroe was a beautiful woman, but thankfully, I didn’t feel like I was about to lose my shit because of her presence. I knew that had everything to do with the woman standing next to me.
I pulled her closer to me, and she lifted her head and puckered her lips. I kissed her tenderly, slightly pulling her bottom lip into my mouth. This woman had me gone, and I was prepared to let her know tonight after everything was done. I couldn’t wait to make love to her. She’d been running all day, so we didn’t get to spend much time together.
As Noah led TAZ to her chair, the birthday song by Destiny’s Child started to play. TAZ was smiling big and waving at people. Noah went to the mic and said, “Just so y’all know, this is going to be real informal. We here to have a good time, celebrating the woman that has brought so much to the industry and to my life. My love for her is without bounds. Happy birthday, baby. I hope you enjoy tonight.”
She blew him a kiss, then he said, “So the servers will be serving your dinner, and while that is going on, we will get entertained by Rachelle Ferrell!”
The crowd applauded loudly. I wasn’t that knowledgeable about who she was, but Kenya definitely was. She stood to her feet and applauded, along with TAZ. The singer wished TAZ a happy birthday and said a few more kind words to her, then began singing. The woman was a beast with it. I could see why TAZ and Kenya loved her.
When the woman set the chicken fettuccini alfredo in front of me, I licked my lips. That shit looked so damn good. I forgot all about Rachelle up there and began stuffing my face. Raqui and I had taken Brooklyn to Chick-fil-A, but those lil ass nuggets didn’t stay with me long. When Kenya sat down, I was nearly finished. She frowned slightly, then said, “Damn. I guess you were hungry.”
“Hell yeah. You know I like to eat,” I said then bit my bottom lip, mentally taking her exactly where I wanted her to go.
She squirmed in her seat as I chuckled. She gently shoulder bumped me. “Don’t tease me, Nate. I’ll have you digging me out in one of these storage closets.”
“Shiiiid, you ain’t said nothing but a thang, girl.”
She giggled then started on her food. My nerves were starting to heighten because I knew now was the time to try to talk to Jess. I noticed her mother had the baby, and she was done eating. However, I didn’t want to approach her without Kenya standing next to me. I wanted her to see the love I found with the woman that was meant for me.
“Kenya, I want you to come with me to approach Jess. I need her to see the chemistry between the two of us so she’ll know it isn’t put on.”
I almost said so Jess would see the love I had for her. This was not how I wanted to tell her I was in love with her. I wanted it to be more romantic and in an intimate setting. Cameras were flashing everywhere. “Okay. I’m almost done.”