Page 18 of Night of Mercy
“The locket could belong to Meg Chastain, you know,” she mused in a dreamy voice.
“Meg who?” Adriel’s eyebrows rose.
“The wife of Chief Pecos, of course. I thought I taught you better than that,” she chided. “He was the first Comanche to settle in the area. He and his tribesmen captured and trained the wild Mustangs roaming Heart Lake and the Christmas Mountains as far as you can see. He was well loved and well respected by the founding families of Heart Lake and left a proud legacy.”
When the archeologist paused to take a breath, Shep couldn’t resist tossing out his most burning question. “Back up a sec. She taughtyou?” He raised his eyebrows at Adriel.
The sheriff’s expression turned sheepish. “She babysat me and my sister a few times.”
“He was a brat!” Bliss Hawling’s voice was emphatic.
“Still is, ma’am.” Shep leaned closer to the phone so she could hear him.
Her laughter rang out merrily. “I could’ve told you that.”
Adriel spoke over her chuckles. “I wouldn’t mind your expert opinion on this locket. Any chance you’ll be paying Heart Lake another visit soon?”
“As a matter of fact, I’m on my way there now.” She gave a long, shuddery sigh. “Gil’s wife has taken a turn for the worse.” Her voice grew hushed. “They say it won’t be long now.”
“Man!” Shep lifted his Stetson and swiveled away from the phone. His chest tightened at the thought of what his boss, Sheriff Gil Remington, must be going through right now. Shep had been getting regular updates on Gil’s wife’s condition fromFran Beecher, their office manager at the PD. According to the last text he’d received from her, they’d called in hospice.
He offered up a silent prayer for his boss’s strength and comfort. No way around it, cancer was a heartless beast. He’d probably be losing his mind if Prim was the one suffering like that.
He wasn’t sure where that thought had come from, but it was true. Prim had climbed into his heart with her humor and sass and had quickly taken hold of it. Thinking about her reminded him of his promise to keep her posted about the grave they’d uncovered.
He pulled out his cell phone and shot off a text to her.
Grave vault, wooden coffin, English locket.
Her response came quicker than he was expecting. First she sent him a meme of a cartoon head exploding. It was followed by a question.
When can we talk?
He had no idea, so he gave her the best answer he could.I’m about to find out.
Adriel ended his call with Bliss Hawling. “She’s gonna meet me here first thing in the morning. I’m assuming you’ll be back on the clock in Heart Lake?”
“Roger that.” Shep nodded.
“Then I’ll keep you posted on what the coroner has to say.” Adriel glanced up at the sky. “Fortunately, we’re not expecting any rain. I’ll see if Paco can pull an extra patrol to keep eyes on the casket for us tonight.”
To Shep’s disappointment, Prim turned down his offer to take her to dinner.
“Can we go for a walk or something instead?”
“Sure.” It was a little cold for that, but he aimed to please.
After checking on his Uncle Caleb and rewarding his dogs for a job well done, he drove to her apartment.
“Hey!” She met him at the door and joined him on the sidewalk, shivering beneath the evening breeze in her quilted pink coat.
“You’re cold.” He started to unzip his own jacket.
“Don’t.” She laid a hand on his arm. “I don’t mind the nip in the air. It’ll burn more calories.”
At his upraised eyebrows, she added, “Oh, come on! You know I’m always on some diet or another.”
“Not sure why.” He’d always thoroughly enjoyed the way she filled her jeans.