Page 3 of The Cowboy's Prize
“Excuse me, little girl?” The man crossed his arms over his chest. “I think you’ve had too much to drink.”
“I think I haven’t had enough, if the party is filled with people wearing Grayson merchandise,” she said.
“Wait,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “I know you.”
“No, you don’t.” LeAnn shook her head. “No one does. Hell, I don’t even know who I am anymore. I used to. I was the golden girl of the rodeo. I was going to be the next big thing.”
“Let’s get you inside and see if we can sober you up.” He reached for her arm, but LeAnn shook him off.
“I don’t need your help.” She staggered away. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”
But she did. Because she was not sure what the heck she was going to do now. She was looking at a long off-season back in Paris, Texas, where her family would try to convince her to get a “real job.” The problem was, the thought of sitting in an office all day and only going to local rodeos on the weekends made her throat close up.
“How old are you?” the man asked.
“Old enough to know better and young enough not to care,” she said. In fact, she was going to continue the party without Mick. There was a bar full of people who liked her. She took two steps and then swayed. Of course, Merry might be in there. Looking back at the man over her shoulder, she asked, “Is Merry in there?”
The man grinned and maybe blushed a little bit too. “She sure is. She signed my shirt.” He pointed to the silver scrawl across his chest. “I’ve been a fan of her and her sister June since they started. They’re pretty wild.”
“You want to see wild?” LeAnn had just about enough of hearing about Merry and being wild. LeAnn had been a good girl. She’d followed the rules and where had it gotten her? Nowhere. Fumbling with her pants, she dropped them halfway down her thighs. Turning around she flashed her backside at the man. “Here’s a full moon for you!”
“And that’s about enough of that,” the man said, waiting until she had buttoned up her Levi’s before taking her by the upper arm.
“You let go of me, or I’ll scream,” she said.
“Go ahead and scream.” He sounded bored as he marched her through the parking lot.
“I mean it. I’m calling the cops.” LeAnn fumbled with her cell phone.
“Honey, I am the cops. Off duty. But you’re going to sit in the drunk tank to sober up. If you behave, maybe I’ll drop the indecent exposure charge.”
Wasn’t that crazy? Just when you thought your life couldn’t suck any more, it suddenly did.
Chapter One
Three years later
LeAnn “Killer” Keller would have kicked open the door to the bar, but it was already open. She was too pissed off to cry. She needed a drink, and she needed one badly. Storming up to the bartender, LeAnn ordered a shot of tequila.
She and tequila had a history. LeAnn had made some bad decisions when she and tequila partied too hard. But tonight, she needed the sweet burn to wash away the grief and anger.
A whole year.
Mick had been cheating on her for their entire relationship.
And it was her fault.
LeAnn downed the shot before she realized she’d failed to ask for a name-brand tequila, and they had given her a drink from the well bottle. At least now she could blame her stinging eyes and the tears that threatened on the rotgut tequila she’d just guzzled, instead of on her broken heart.
“Another one. Cuervo Gold this time.”
“You want some salt and lemon with that too?” the bartender asked.
“Why not?” she said, nodding.
Her phone hadn’t stopped blowing up. Mick again. Like they hadn’t just shouted at each other all through the barn and the rodeo arena until she got into her truck and nearly ran him over in the parking lot.
“Fuck him,” she muttered, and then blocked his number.