Page 30 of The Cowboy's Prize
Then LeAnn saw Mick get in line to ride, and did an about-face, hurrying away before he could see her. There was no sign of Dolly anywhere, so LeAnn slipped into the stands to watch the bull riders, scanning the crowd for her parents. No luck there. She hoped that Mick got knocked on his fat head, but he scored decently. Then it was Dylan’s turn.
“Kick his ass,” she said under her breath.
Dylan’s first bull was appropriately named Maniac, and he went out of the chute like he was possessed. Dylan was tossed back and forth, almost getting knocked off when Maniac dropped, kicked and spun. But he managed to hold firm for the full eight seconds, and jumped off the bull gracefully. The bull was still kicking up his back legs as Dylan waved to the crowd and jogged toward the exit. LeAnn ran down to meet him and got there as he was taking off his helmet.
But before LeAnn could approach him, Muriel leapt into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips.
What the…? LeAnn stopped dead in her tracks.
It didn’t stop the flood of jealousy that flared through her when Dylan gently, but firmly removed Muriel’s arms from around his neck and stepped back.
“Nice ride,” Muriel said.
“Thanks.” He squinted up at the scoreboard. He was in third, but the good news was he’d scored higher than Mick.
“Want another one?” Muriel said seductively.
“No thanks,” he said, and politely stepped aside.
Muriel’s gaze locked on his ass as Dylan walked away. It was a great view, so LeAnn probably shouldn’t blame her, but she did.
“He’s just your trainer,” LeAnn told herself, but she couldn’t shake wanting to put a rock in Muriel’s boot. Because she was so focused on trying to figure out why she had any right at all to these feeling, she didn’t see Mick until he came up alongside of her.
Great. Just great. Just what she needed.
“Hey, Killer,” Mick said, flashing her a grin that used to make her smile. Now, it just made her sick to her stomach.
“Hey, Mick,” she said flatly, scanning the crowd for any signs of Dolly.
He cleared his throat. LeAnn cocked an eyebrow at him. This ought to be good.
“You’re looking really hot.”
“I know,” she said, adjusting her tone so she sounded bored.
Mick blinked a couple times. “Don’t you think that’s a little conceited?”
“You just told me I looked hot.”
“Y-yeah,” he stuttered. “But you’re supposed to thank me for the compliment.”
“I agreed with you. Isn’t that the same thing?”
“It sounded a little conceited.”
“Conceited or confident?”
“Anyway,” Mick said, appearing desperate to change the subject, “after I win this event today, why don’t you and I go out for dinner?”
“So if you don’t win the event, we’re not going to dinner?” LeAnn said.
“No. That’s not what I meant.”
“That’s what you said. Shouldn’t you be more concerned about your second ride?” LeAnn asked.
Mick nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll talk after.”
“We just might,” LeAnn said, hoping that her score would beat his so she could cram it up his ass. But considering his bull was probably going to be a higher rank than hers, it was a long shot. Still, a girl could dream. She hoped Mick would take a hint and leave, but he lingered, like a stale fart.