Page 34 of The Cowboy's Prize
“In his category.”
LeAnn wasn’t familiar with the categories. She’d research that later. “Who’s the second best?”
“That would be Whiplash.”
“I’ll take him,” LeAnn said.
“There’s probably a reason why his name is Whiplash,” Dylan said.
“Yeah,” LeAnn said snarkily. “Usually, they don’t name bulls Fluffy Bunny Kitten Pants.”
“She’s got a point,” the cowboy said. “However, can you imagine how much of a bitch it would be to lose to a bull named Fluffy Bunny Kitten Pants?”
“What’s the bull’s track record?” Dylan asked.
“Same as Pecos Bull. This is his first event with a rider on his back.”
Dylan didn’t look convinced. LeAnn couldn’t blame him. He was probably thinking the same thing that she’d said to Muriel about Pecos Bull. You never knew what a first-time bull would do. But that was also the challenge, the fun of it.
“Oh what a coincidence, this is my first event too,” LeAnn said. “He’s perfect.”
While they got Whiplash together, LeAnn headed over to the announcer’s table. She needed to talk to someone who would understand how important this was to her. LeAnn waited for a break and caught Merry Grayson’s eye. Waving her over, LeAnn looked around to make sure no one was watching them.
“Hey, Killer, what’s up?” Merry said, opening a can of soda and taking a long drink. “I wish this was beer. But the WPRC and the MPRC kinda frown on drinking while on duty.”
LeAnn smiled at Merry’s obvious annoyance. “That’s poor working conditions right there.”
“What can I do for you? I hate to rush you, but I only have a few moments.”
Taking a shaky breath, LeAnn said, “I’m assuming you heard about Muriel Degas.”
“Yeah, ain’t that a kick in the ass? We just got handed a new sheet with all of her stats on it so we can talk her up.”
LeAnn bit her lip, wondering if she should take the chance and tell Merry what she was planning to do.
“Do you have something to say, LeAnn?” Merry asked with a grin.
“I’m riding after Muriel on a bull named Whiplash.”
“I haven’t gotten a stat sheet on you.” She leaned against the post and crossed her arms.
“Well, that’s probably because no one knows about it but me and a few others in the bull pen.”
“Good for you,” Merry said.
LeAnn blinked. “You mean it?”
“Shit yeah. Why the hell not?”
“I’m worried that someone might get in trouble,” she said. “I’m almost ready to call this whole thing off, but I want it so much I can taste it.”
“Then go for it. Trust me. No one is going to get in trouble. You should see some of the pranks these guys pull on each other. As long as the crowd is entertained and no one gets hurt, the MPRC won’t care.”
“What about the WPRC?”
“With the shit they’ve pulled in the past, they won’t even blink at this. Can you go eight seconds?”