Page 84 of The Cowboy's Prize
“Are you going to continue to travel all over the United States to attend rodeos if you receive funding for your project?”
Where was he going with this?
“No,” Dylan told him what he had already decided. “The business would have my full attention. I wouldn’t be traveling any longer. I still may do a local rodeo or two, just to keep in practice, though.” He smiled at the investors and was pleased when they smiled back.
“Thank you, Mr. Porter,” the moderator said.
As he was leaving, Dylan caught a glimpse of a few of them frowning over his paperwork and looking from him to his father.
“They’ll let you know in writing in two weeks,” one of the organizers told him as he was preparing to leave. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Dylan said. He was going to need it.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“Vegas, baby,” Mick said.
LeAnn ignored him as best as she could. He wasn’t competing, thanks to the injuries he’d sustained on Kingmaker, but he’d decided to be there anyway. Just what she needed.
The crowd was huge and the excitement in the air was an almost tangible force. But she was having a hard time concentrating. Dylan wasn’t on any of the rosters—not for bull riding or roping or anything. And of course, he didn’t call her.
Fuck this. She was going to call him tonight and find out where they stood. This had been the longest month of her life.
Finally, it was her turn to get on the bull. She wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings so when a hand helped her get settled, she didn’t realize whose hand it was until a familiar voice said, “Give ’em hell, Killer.”
“Dylan.” She beamed at him.
“Missed you, sweetheart,” he said.
“I’ll see you in eight seconds,” she said.
The flash of cameras and the roar of the crowd was all in the background now. The bull took her on a wild ride, but she kept her seat. When the buzzer sounded, she leapt off. After acknowledging the crowd, she exited and was thrilled that Dylan was right there waiting for her.
Not caring who saw, she leapt into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. He kissed her and walked her back to the barn area.
Breathless, he said, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right?”
“It better not,” she said, easing her legs back to the ground. “Why aren’t you competing today?” She didn’t move out of the circle of his arms.
“I quit rodeo.”
Shock pulsed through her. “What?” Did this mean they were over?
“We can talk more after your second ride.”
She grabbed his arms. “Tell me what’s going on, but yeah, make it quick. I’ve got to get back.”
He kissed her instead. “It’s all good, sweetheart. I’ll be here.”
“Will you?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Good,” she sighed and hugged him.
But after her next ride, Dolly intercepted her. “Cowboy Couture wants to talk to you.”
“Go ahead,” Dylan said with a smile.