Page 87 of The Cowboy's Prize
“Hot damn, I was hoping you’d say that.” He kissed her and one thing led to another again.
Afterwards, she snuggled into him and fought to keep her eyes open. “Are you really sure you’re okay with me bull riding? I’m so close to beating Callie and Muriel.”
“Trent Campbell taught you well and you learned a lot from my instruction too. You’re ready to do this on your own. But I’ll always be there to support you and give you advice, if you want it.”
“I want it. But what about Johnny Montana?”
“It’s time he rested in peace in my mind and soul. It wasn’t easy and don’t get me wrong, I’ll probably have some minor setbacks, especially if you get hurt. But you know what you need to do to succeed, and I’ll be there cheering you on, Killer.”
“I love you so much,” she said.
“I love you too.”
One year later
Garth and Lola were grazing in the field when the news broke out that the WPRC and the MPRC had merged in order to stave off bankruptcy. They combined their programs and events into one business called the United Professional Rodeo Circuit of America or UPRC. Dolly was on the fast-track in their marketing division and Reba was one of their top veterinarians. She was currently at the farm arguing with Uncle Lou over which bulls he could send to the events and which had to be quarantined until their blood tests came back negative for performance enhancement drugs.
“You know what this means?” LeAnn said, packing up their picnic lunch.
“Bigger prize money?” Dylan said, reaching into his jacket pocket for something.
LeAnn hoped it was condoms because she was feeling a little frisky. “No, it means I get another chance at winning the first women’s bull-riding buckle.”
It had pissed her off that the last season she hadn’t been able to compete for a buckle while in the MPRC’s division of bull riding. They hadn’t offered one for the women riders they had picked up on the roster. But what they did offer was a chance to ride more challenging bulls and get in the practice that Dylan and Trent had recommended for her. Now, she felt she could give Muriel and Callie a run for their money.
“You’ll do it. I know you will. But before you do, I want to make sure they put the right name on the buckle.”
Her eyes widened as he pulled out a ring box.
“LeAnn Keller, would you consider having the name on the UPRC’s gold buckle be LeAnn Porter?”
Opening it up, she saw a large square-cut diamond. “Dylan,” she said, getting choked up.
“I’m asking you to marry me, Killer. Don’t just sit there crying.”
“Yes, you idiot. Yes, I’ll marry you.”
He slipped the ring on her finger. “I didn’t think this day would ever come. But you have a way of making the impossible happen. That’s one of the things I love about you.”
She admired the way the ring sparkled in the sunlight. Then she shot him a mischievous look. “Everyone else is in the front pasture today, right?”
“We’re all alone.” Dylan grinned at her.
“Good,” LeAnn said and pushed him back to the ground and kissed him until they were both breathless.
The End