Page 83 of Empire of Dark
After a long moment, he looked at me, the carnal hunger in his eyes a lightning bolt directly to my core. It wasn’t fair that I could be drenched, my folds throbbing, by just one look like that from him.
“The last thing on this earth I want is for you to be my sister. As it is, I’m far too obsessed with your naked body writhing under me.”
The exact right answer.
I laughed, stepping in closer, letting the tips of my breasts skim across his chest. “So, tell me what you’re going to do about the mess.”
“Eustice was going to meet with the Genoras tonight. So I’m going to go to Sardinia and try to fix the problem with the head of the Genora family before my brother gets there and causes all-out war. Which would be a hell of a lot easier if I knew where the Genora girl was.”
“Hmm, what?”
“Eustice is going to meet with them tonight?”
“And you don’t think he’d bring her along to the meeting?”
“No.” He shook his head. “My brother is obsessed with her—has been for the last ten years. I’m sure he’s got her under lock and key far from Sardinia.”
I tapped my teeth with the nail of my forefinger, my stare on top of the far tower. “Except, if he’s obsessed with her, he probably doesn’t ever let her leave his sight.”
“No.” He shook his head. “He would never bring her to the meeting. He loses all leverage for what he hopes to accomplish if she’s there. And I don’t even fucking know what he’s hoping to accomplish.”
“But he may bring her to the island.” I looked to Damen. “You have eyes on him?”
“Not ones that I can trust, apparently. I should have been told of this the minute Eustice kidnapped her.”
“Where is the meeting to take place?”
“Glint—it’s a club on Sardinia. It caters to malefics and the occasional panthenites and humans.”
I nodded. “I know of it.”
His dark eyebrows lifted. “You do? How?”
“Just because I’ve been absent from society doesn’t mean I don’t know most of what goes on in our world. The students in the Academy are privy to all sorts of sordid, detailed knowledge of their families and the happenings within those families.”
He nodded, his stare starting to eat into me like he could already sense where I was going with this.
I forged forth anyway. “I can help. If you want it?”
My lips pursed. “I can help. Len means a great deal to me and she sure as hell doesn’t deserve whatever your brother has been subjecting her to.”
He winced. “Help how?”
“I assume your brother has a slew of men in tow when he walks into a place like Glint?”
He nodded, cocking his head.
“Well, I haven’t been out of the Academy in a hundred years. No one recognizes me, much less remembers me. I will be able to hear things you won’t—especially in a place like that. You just need to send me in the direction of your brother’s henchmen, and I can quite possibly find out the location of where he’s keeping Len. We find her first, and then you deliver her back to the Genoras, complete with a nice big pile of cash for their troubles, and crisis averted. Allies remain allies.”
His stare hadn’t veered off of me and I could tell he was considering it. Considering letting me help.
His chest lifted in a deep breath and he expelled a sigh. “Fine. We leave in an hour.”