Page 4 of Off-Limit CEO
“That’s good, honey. Be sure to tell me when it’s finished so I can send more.”
“Sure thing, Ma. Can I speak to Dad?” Mother tended to talk a lot, and Dad didn’t want trouble, so he just let her go on and on.
“Oh, sure thing.”
“Hey, sweetheart.” My father’s cool and calm voice always set me at ease. “How are things over there? Hope you aren’t overworking yourself?”
“No, Dad. I’m good. Things are okay back home, right?”
“Yes, sure. Your mother is a firecracker as always.” I heard her laugh from the background when he said that, and I chuckled, too. “Just be sure to not get lost in the business of it all. Remember who you are and where you come from, okay?” My dad might be a bit too lax at times, leaving my mother to handle a lot of things, but when he spoke, I always listened because he had insightful things to say.
“Okay, Dad. I’ll make you two proud.” I responded, getting a bit emotional. Damn, I missed my family more than I thought.
“No need for that, my dear. We were proud of you since the day you were born!” Ma shouted so I could hear. I scoffed with a smile, and Dad laughed.
“You heard that?”
“Yes, Dad.”
“As someone who used to work in New York and left, I know how hard the busy streets and bright lights can hit, so yeah…we are always here for you, okay?”
“Okay, Dad. Thanks.”
“Sure thing, sweetheart.” I heard some muffled sounds.
“Honey,” he’d given the phone back to my mother, “just take it easy, okay? We love you.”
“I love you, too. Ma, I gotta go now. Talk to you later.”
“Eat a lot!” Ma added and I laughed. “Byyyyyye!”
“Bye, Ma.” I cut the call, taking a moment to smile and stare at the ceiling of my room. I had a fanbase that loved me and parents that cared for me so much. Was this all worth it? Chasing for more? Shouldn’t I be content with what I had? All these questions entered my mind. Inquiries I had, but no simple answers to give.
What are you doing?I asked myself. My head rested on my bed while I stared at the ceiling, contemplating my decisions until now. I felt like I stood at a crossroads. Do I go back home where it is safe and calm, or do I keep fighting for what my heart yearned for even as it became more and more unattainable?
My phone rang, but I didn’t answer. My mind wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone right now. But what if it’s Mom? I got uncomfortable with the idea of not picking up my mother’s call. Frowning, I groaned while checking who called. My agent, Carmen.
I sighed, thinking of what she had to say this time. We'd had bad news after bad news, and all I heard from Carmen these days was what I could do differently to get to the next level. It had started becoming tiring. I answered the call begrudgingly.
“Hey, Carmen. What's the problem? I-” Before I could finish what I wished to say, Carmen’s squeal took me out of it. My eyes shot open after hearing how loudly she screamed, causing me to take my ear away from my phone. “What the heck?”
“Oh, my God! Oh, my God!! Oh, my God!!!” she kept repeating.
“Carmen, what is the problem?”
“I have some good news. You know what? Fuck it! This isn’t good news, it's great news!”
Even though she spoke positively, I remained concerned because of how she acted. Carmen generally kept calm, no matter the situation. Her emotions rarely went up or down, which made me sometimes joke that she was a robot. But this time might be the happiest I had ever seen her be.
“What exactly happened, Carmen?” Trying to get her to relax a little, I tried asking for specifics.
“You know, Ronald Razor Records, right?”
“Oh, yeah. RRR. The one with the hot guy as its owner and CEO.”
“Yeah, yeah, exactly. RRR.”
“Okay. What about them?”