Page 44 of Off-Limit CEO
"Usually, he comes back later than this, so you don't have to worry, Ma'am," Dean assured with a quick smile.
If only he knew… but I didn't want to stress him any further until we knew things for certain.
"Yeah, you're right. Thanks."
"Sure thing, Ma'am."
I closed the door and went back. I could see everyone struggling to remain normal. Oddly enough, Maddy was the one to be most stationary. She didn't say a word, didn't even try to use her phone to distract her. She just sat, looking at the table. I wanted to talk to her, but it struck me that this might be better than trying to dredge up her feelings… at least for now. She remained calm, which was what we needed.
I quickly sent messages to Ron via text. Why the hell was I doing this? I had no idea. I just wanted to hope that he'd answer after seeing one of them.
Roughly 15 minutes after I last talked to Drew, my phone rang again, and it showed him on the caller ID. Sharply, I answered and put the phone in my ear.
"Put it on loudspeaker," Maddy pressed, but I knew that might be a bad idea considering what Drew could tell me. I raised a finger, telling her to keep quiet while I talked to him.
"Drew, what happened? Is everything okay?"
"Maryam, are you alone?"
"No, but you can talk."
Maddy continued to frown.
"Okay, I need you to take this information as calmly as possible."
Oh, God. I felt my head ringing. Please let it not be what I feared.
"Ronald has been involved in an accident."
The knot had reached my throat now. I could barely speak. I just remained there with the phone in my hand, pressed to my ear. Frozen.
"He is alive. At least we know he's alive. From what I've gathered, the ambulance is taking him to the hospital right now. So, what I need you to do is get in the car with Maddy and go to the hospital. You can't leave her alone at home to worry. Just get her to St. Greg's Hospital. I'm on my way there too. I'm so sorry for this news."
I still didn't say a word, not because I didn't want to, but because I couldn't find the strength.
Maddy noted the horror look on my face and quickly came to the realization. She fell from the seat to the floor.
"Maryam, are you there?" Drew asked after I couldn't reply to him.
Talk, goddamn it. Speak! I tried and tried, but the harder I tried, the more my throat tightened. Finally, I started coughing profusely, almost falling from my seat. Some maids ran to me, with one getting me some water to drink while the others tended to Maddy.
"We'll be there," I managed to croak back at Drew.
"Are you okay?"
"We will be there," I responded, ignoring his question.
After cutting the call, my attention went to the people in the room.
"Ronald has been in an accident." Everybody gasped. "But he is alive. We need to go to the hospital, Maddy and I, to check on him. Meanwhile, I need all of you to watch over the house and remain strong, okay?"
I tried to portray strength, but I was scared shitless.