Page 6 of Off-Limit CEO
In one of her YouTube videos that I watched, she simply sat and played the violin. Not even a word was spoken, and I still got goosebumps. It also helps that she looks stunning, which directly translates to how she will be received by the fans. We’ve seen less talented folks go far thanks to their beauty. Listening to her felt like lying on the grass in the middle of summer and being bathed by the warmth of sunlight, but in musical format… if that made any sense. I always said that the best kind of music was that which you could not explain, but fascinated, nonetheless. Maryam Carey looked to be in a different world when she sang, and it made me judder, filling me with so many positive feelings.
What the hell?I said to myself. All this while in the car to the office. “Everything okay, Boss?” Reggie, probably noticing my unease, asked.
We got to the office, and I quietly walked past everyone as I rushed to my office. I responded to their greetings as quickly as possible, but inside me brewed discomfort. This, in turn, made me angry. Why did I get so wrapped up in this lady’s singing? What was it about her that amazed me? I should be able to not think about her. Heck, I just noticed her for the first time yesterday. Immediately I got to my office, I rested on my chair. The more I thought about her, the more I got frustrated at myself for thinking about her.What the hell is so special about this Maryam girl?I thought. Sure, she’s fine, but there are many pretty girls I’ve seen. Was it her voice? Perhaps. I guess I’d know for certain when I saw her. One thing remained certain, however… She could sing in a way no other person could.
Immediately, I got to my office; I sat on my chair, still unsettled, no thanks to my thoughts about her.
Drew knocked on my glass office door. He looked excited, which was good since I felt uneasy. I didn't want to make a fool of myself because of my mood, so it came as a comfort that he looked very much up for it.
Why did I feel so weird today just because I could not get a girl out of my mind?
Drew entered the room after knocking, not waiting for my response. Not that I cared; he did that sometimes.
“Hey, are you ready?” he asked while sitting down. Yeah, just from the way he sat down, I could tell he was pumped up. “I was kind of surprised, but pleasantly surprised, that you chose Maryam.”
“Why?” I asked, curiously.
“She just seemed like someone whose expressive and positive personality could annoy you.”
I understood what he meant because I’d told him several times, I didn't like people who were too nice. She worked with an incredible level of optimism.
I didn't watch much of her video because I'd rather hear it from her in person, but I saw her talking in her singing videos after she sang, and she met that mold of an overly optimistic, quirky person.
"Maybe I wouldn't like her," I joked, smirking.
"I hope you do. We need a quick counter to all the nonsense Frank is saying."
"No one believes him. He's a joke."
"If someone says something enough times, it starts to affect the narrative. Nobody likes bad press, man, trust me."
He had a point. I had overlooked the danger of Frank's incessant accusations. A man crazy enough to bring the ship down with him even as he drowns. I kept saying people didn't like him, but did that matter in this case? We all already knew he was done for, but what happens if he keeps on dragging us into this mess? It could affect investors and other things for the company. No one likes cancer.
Heck, some people didn't even like being around cancer patients because it got so depressing, even though they knew the victim wasn't at fault.
We needed to distance ourselves openly and quickly. Show them we were moving forward from his fiasco.
"Got a good point," I agreed.
"So yeah, I just want you to meet her, talk to her, and see how she is in person, per usual."
I always vetted people in person. The rest of the board could care less. We were the ones in the music aspect of it, meaning we had to be very hands-on when it came to music.
"But what's worrying me is you don't seem hyped about this. You usually look forward to these kinds of things." Drew noted, furrowing his brows.
I sighed. "I guess I'm just in a bad mood today."
"What? Why'd you curse?"
"I know you are in a bad mood. Not a good combo." I smiled, raising an eyebrow and nodding. I understood what he meant. Sometimes, I tended to be very aggressive, and all those times coincided with my mood.
"When are they going to arrive?"
"Around 12."