Page 12 of Gilded Crown
“I’m not leaving again this time because I should keep my word, and you don’t really have anyone else. It’s not fair for me to leave you among the other snakes. Besides, if something happens to you, and Zylem ends up on the throne, Nova is fucked. It’s also not fair that you lie and tell the truth depending on what suits you.” Jari folded his arms. “You’re still a serpent to me.”
“You’re still a peasant to me.” Aurelius crossed his legs and adjusted one of his silver rings. “What happened yesterday? Itook a nap, had a bath, and you suddenly came barreling in. I managed to get you off, and you laid on the floor while crying.”
Jari’s face grew hot. That would go down as one of the least proud moments of his life. He explained everything and could practically feel the disapproval oozing from Aurelius despite his stoic face.
“Your first mistake was leaving the room without your sword,” he said. “Even if you don’t use it, it automatically makes you a little more intimidating. My brothers live on the same floor and in the same hall. You already knew this. Your second mistake was putting your back toward the door to Zylem’s rooms. When you’re in enemy territory, that will get you stabbed. Thirdly, you tried to keep your distance from Gullveig, but you would have been better off passing him on the stairs and getting away. I also should have locked my bedroom door before I took a nap.”
“I’m definitely not stepping out again without my sword.”
“Good. If you got used to not wearing it, get used to wearing it again. Those two are dangerous together because Gullveig will follow along with whatever Zylem says or does. Zylem might plan a little and get something he thinks might be useful, but in general, he waits for a good moment and goes for it. Since you said the liquid tasted grassy, and you were out of your mind, I’m assuming it was turf.”
“I figured that too,” said Jari.
“I don’t smell it when I smoke it, but I can taste it a little in the back of my throat.”
“You probably shouldn’t smoke that.”
“I don’t get violent,” said Aurelius. “It makes me care less about things in general.”
“You also get paranoid afterward.”
“I don’t smoke it often.”
“Why would you even want that stuff?” asked Jari. “I genuinely don’t get why people like drugs at all. It’s not like alcohol.”
“Alcohol is more generally accepted, so that’s why you think it’s not the same,” said Aurelius. “It can take off the edge. Some people find they’re more outgoing or relaxed depending on what they take. It might help with pain too.”
Jari remembered the box of Dust he’d found in Aurelius’s privy room. He probably shouldn’t mention it.
“Go get breakfast,” said Aurelius. “Remember what I said, and I’ll be in my bedroom.”
“Eh, my stomach’s not the best right now. Maybe I’ll go down and ask for something later. Why would he have a tincture? Turf is easier to smoke.”
“They were originally intended for those with lung issues, but they’re typically poor quality, hard to make, and sometimes, a person might find it’s just happy tabs ground in water. You can see why I don't trust the water or wine left in here? If I go out, he could easily drug it. Drug tinctures are harder to make, more expensive, and they might have inferior ingredients or be worthless. Honestly, it’s easier to just smoke turf.”
“Do you think he’s going to have someone poison your meals?”
“I don’t eat breakfast in my rooms anymore just in case he pays off a servant. In the Hall, it’s not that easy since we eat from platters. He’d poison the whole damn High Table. Sometimes, I eat something from the Morning Room because again, who knows who’d eat what? If he poisoned everything, we’d have a dozen dead courtiers.”
What a snake pit. “What about your Father? What's he been doing?”
Aurelius shrugged. “He told us that we’re not allowed to change his laws. He’s grown paranoid and keeps reminding usabout who’s in charge, who knows best, who makes the rules-” Aurelius rolled his eye. “Don’t be surprised when you see him at meals. Enough about that.”
“Er, I’m sorry about yesterday.”
“It was a bad trip. People don’t know how they’ll react on turf until they try it. Why do you think smart people do it in a safe environment with someone else?”
“I’m still sorry to have jumped on you like that. I’d never do that or barge in while you’re in the bath.”
“Because if you weren’t high, I’d break your nose.” Aurelius tapped his fingers on the arm of his chair as he stared at the empty fireplace. “Leave it in the past.”
“Erm, I have more questions about the items.”
“Get something to take with you, and we’ll go on a horseback ride. I’d like some air, and Father can be crazy on his own in the office.”
“You’re really not going to tell him anything about what’s happened?”
“He doesn’t care. Why waste my time?”