Page 14 of Mercer
“She shouldn’t do security, either,” Joss said. “And the office space is out of the question, since it’s underground.”
“What about the season passes?” Alistair asked.
Caesar nodded. “That’s a good idea. The booth is right at the front gates and has no access to anything related to our people. She could sell season passes and help patrons with ticketing issues and answer the main phone line too, since her application said she was a receptionist.”
“That sounds perfect,” Mercer said.
Jupiter chuckled. “And you can check on her during your rounds. I’ll put you on full-time patrol instead of in the office.”
“I’d love that,” Mercer said.
“Yeah, until winter,” Joss said. “No one likes patrolling when it’s freezing cold.”
“As far as the apartment goes, pick out two, move your stuff into one, and give her the other,” Alistair said. “You can let her know the good news, but someone from the office, maybe Joss, should call and make it official.”
“I’ll call her right now,” Mercer said. He rose to his feet. “Thank you, guys, so much. I really appreciate it.”
“It’s a wonderful thing when our people find their soulmates,” Caesar said. “Congratulations.”
The alphas all clapped and cheered, and Mercer’s heart soared.
He’d found his soulmate, now all he had to do was win her heart and then he could tell her that he was a shifter. Everything was falling into place.
* * *
As he packed a large duffel with clothes, he listened for Rhomi to answer the call.
“Hi, Mercer,” she said on the third ring. “I was just digging through my closet looking for something cute to wear tonight. How nice is this place? Is it like wear-a-dress nice or can I wear jeans?”
“It’s a casual place,” he said. “I’ll send you the link so you can see it. I just wanted to reach out and tell you some news.”
She made an eep sound. “Good news, I hope? Is it one of those good-news, bad-news things? Because I hate having to decide which to hear first.”
“It’s all good news.” He paused for a moment, then said, “There’s a job with your name on it.”
“What? No way! What job? Wait, I don’t even care. I got a job. Yay!”
He loved how enthusiastic she was.
“It’s in the season ticket office. You’ll get a call from someone in the main office with the details. You’ll be able to start tomorrow.”
“That’s so cool.”
“Also, there’s an apartment available if you’d like it. It’s fully furnished, and as an employee, you get access to the food stalls and can order food delivered from the cafeteria too. I live in the apartments; they’re at the back of the park.”
He’d already picked their apartments out. While he wanted to be right next to her—hell, he wanted her to just immediately move in with him—he knew making it look less planned was a good idea. He’d picked her apartment at the end of the first floor, and his in the middle of the second floor.
“Are you serious right now, Mercer? I’ve got a job and a place to live? Wait, how much does it cost?”
“It’s included in your employment, so it doesn’t cost anything. I can bring you back to the park tonight after our date and show it to you.” She let out a soft sigh and he wondered if she was crying. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”
“I’m just, it’s just…” she whispered, sniffling. “I’m just so happy I met you. And it’s not only because of the job and apartment, but I feel like all of a sudden everything is clicking in my life, you know? First, I meet you, and in case you didn’t know, you’re pretty dang amazing. And now I’ve got a job and a place to live too? It’s wild and beyond anything I could have imagined.”
“I’m really glad I met you too.”
“Oh, someone’s trying to call me. I should get it!”
“I’ll see you in a little while,” he said. “I can’t wait.”