Page 21 of Mercer
He backed up and took the cart to the employee lot, then went to check in at the security office to begin his patrol. It was going to be a long day, but at least he’d get to peek in on Rhomi whenever he passed by. That was definitely going to be the bright spot in his day.
Rhomi clocked out at four-thirty on the computer in the tiny season ticket office. There was a desk and a counter, with a sliding window over the counter so she could speak to patrons who had questions about the passes. She’d had only a few people come to the window during the day, but the phone had rung a lot and she’d been busy transferring callers and answering questions that she could find answers to. The office was officially closed at four-thirty, but people could still get help in the security office, which stayed open to the public until closing.
Mercer opened the door to the ticket office. “How was the afternoon?”
“Fun for the most part, but it dragged a little.”
“Sorry there isn’t anyone in here for you to talk to,” he said, holding the door for her.
“That’s okay, I don’t mind the quiet. And I got to see this cute security guard a few times.”
He grinned. “I definitely made a few more trips around this part of the park than I usually do.”
“So we can eat in the park for dinner if you’d like, but I was wondering if you’d like to go to your place and pack up some things to bring here?”
“Oh, I’d love that! I was going to tell you I wanted to head over there.”
“Perfect. We can eat out somewhere.”
“After I change into something other than this dress and your shirt.”
“You look really adorable, though.”
She grinned. They walked out of the office, and she locked up with a keypad. Mercer took her hand and they talked about their respective days while they made their way to the employee lot.
“Do you have a car of your own or do you always use a park vehicle since you live and work here?” she asked as he opened the door to an SUV with a park logo on it.
“I use park vehicles.” He shut her in and sat behind the wheel. As the engine roared to life, he said, “There are other vehicles without the park logo on them, but I wasn’t sure how much stuff you had so I wanted an SUV. Plus, some of my friends are following us to help.”
She looked in the side-view mirror as they left the lot and saw another SUV behind them.
“They’re going to help us get my stuff here?” she asked. “Why?”
“Because they’re my friends and they’re happy for me.”
She looked at him. “You know, we haven’t really talked about just what’s going on between us.”
“True. We can do that now, if you’d like.”
“I would. Because I like you already, and I’d like to date you exclusively. I’m not looking for something casual, and I don’t think you are, either.”
“Definitely not,” he said. “I want to be with you, and only you.”
She chewed her lip for a moment. “I don’t want to live with you, though.”
He glanced at her, frowning. “Ever?”
“No,” she said, laughing. “I just mean for now. We just met, and I’d like to get to know you better before we make that kind of serious step.”
Although if she was being honest, she was pretty well enchanted with him and could definitely see herself moving right in with him and starting their life together.
“That’s definitely okay with me. I like that we’re close, though.”
“Me too.”