Page 31 of Mercer
The jackal stared at him, locking eyes in a strange way.
“What are you going to do with it?” he asked. He couldn’t quite place why he wanted to help the creature, but he did.
“Well, we’re looking for a zoo to take it, but so far we haven’t found one. We’ve been told by the state that it can’t be released into the wild because it’s not a native species, and if no one will take it, then it will have to be destroyed. We’ve got about a week or so until that happens.”
As Mercer listened to what Laina said, the jackal stared at him, seeming to silently plead for help. He couldn’t figure out why he was so curious, or wanted to help so much, but he did.
“Let me make a call.” He stood and grabbed his phone.
“Call to who?” Rhomi asked, looking up at him.
“I want to call Cael and see what he thinks. We have a wolf paddock, and the jackal might be related enough to be included in the pack, even if it is just a distant relative.”
“Oh, that would be nice,” Laina said. “I hate to think it will be put down because someone brought it into the country illegally.”
“Could you send it to another country, like to a zoo?” Rhomi asked.
“We don’t have the funds, and no one will pay to bring it over, especially when it tries to bite everyone that attempts to handle it or get blood for testing.”
Mercer dialed Cael, the park’s resident vet, and stepped out of the space.
“Hey, what’s up?” Cael asked.
“I need a favor.”
“How big a favor?”
“Enormous.” He quickly explained the situation and sent a text while he talked, explaining a little further.
Man, there’s something about this jackal, I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel compelled to help.
Cael paused, clearly reading the text, then said, “You’re with your mate?”
“Yeah. At the shelter.”
“Well, I mean I know that our people would welcome a jackal, but the truth is that the jackal might not want to be part of things. But maybe we can get some testing done, give it someplace safe to live while we figure things out. No way it should be put down just because humans are assholes.”
“Awesome, thanks.”
“No problem. Let me talk to the director or whoever is in charge, and I’ll make arrangements to meet you there. I’ll loop in the alphas too.”
“Nice. I owe you.”
“One hundred percent.”
Mercer walked back to Rhomi and Laina and said, “The Amazing Adventures Safari Park vet wants to talk to you.”
“Oh!” Laina said, taking his phone and introducing herself. “Hello, I’m the volunteer director. How can I help?”
Rhomi put her arms around him. “You’re so sweet,” she said with a whisper. “I love that you want to help.”
“I can’t put my finger on it,” he said, staring down at the cage where the jackal had slowly moved from the back corner to look at them from the bars. “But I feel like I need to help.”
Her phone pinged, and she lifted it. “My mom says the one tabby looks cute but my dad has put his foot down about not adopting until they move into their new place.”
“They’ll find the right cat when they move, I’m sure,” he said.