Page 52 of Mercer
Rhomi turned to pull labels from the printer for the new VIP tour coupon mailer the alphas were planning to send out. Putting the labels on the mailers was one of her new jobs, and while it was tedious work, she didn’t mind anything that kept her busy so the day would fly. She liked the idea of the mailers, which were sent to a database of people in the tri-state area who were believed to be single. She’d never gotten one, though, which just meant she wasn’t part of whatever database they pulled from. Which sucked, because she might have met Mercer ages ago.
Someone slapped the window of the office so loudly that it made Rhomi jump and let out a squeak.
A man stood in front of the window, his palm on the glass. He looked pissed.
She didn’t recognize the man, but she hadn’t met every shifter yet. She could see he wasn’t wearing a park shirt, though, and alarm bells went off in her head.
Opening time was still a half hour away, so no one should be inside unless they worked there.
She cleared her throat. “Hi, can I help you?”
Now those alarm bells in her head were clanging like bell towers at midnight. Swiveling in her seat to face the window, which thankfully was still shut and locked, she slowly reached for the panic button hidden under the desk.
“I’m sorry, who?” She touched the cap covering the button, flipping it open.
“You heard me,” he said, his voice lowering in a way that made her feel like she should run and hide.
“I’m pretty new here and don’t know anyone by that name. Did you say Jenny?” She pressed the button, which was silent on her end but would send an alert to the security office as well as every single member of the security team.
He snarled and revealed growing fangs in his mouth.
Okay, so he was a shifter. Probably a jackal like Ginny, but he looked to be in his twenties, which was too young to be her grandfather. His fingertips darkened and he curled them against the glass.
“Enough foolishness, human female. You’ll tell me where Ginny is, or you’ll suffer.”
“Hey, hold on,” she said, pushing away from the desk. Beyond him, she could see a few others who seemed to be scanning the area. Why hadn’t they gotten stopped at the front gate, which still should be locked?
Fear ratcheted through her, but she tamped it down. She could tell they were predator shifters, and Mercer had told her never to run.
“Now!” the man bellowed.
He slammed his fist repeatedly on the glass.
It was security glass, but would it stand up to a shifter? Mercer was stronger and faster than a human, so jackals probably were too.
Where was the security team?
Where was Mercer?
* * *
Mercer had just set his second sandwich down on the counter of the security office so he could clock in when he got an alert that someone had tripped the motion detector by the elephant paddock. There were no shifters in the paddock now, so it was concerning that someone was poking around there.
He grabbed the walkie from the charger stand. Jupiter opened the door to the office. “I’ll go with you.”
“Did you see anything on the cameras?”
Jupiter grabbed a walkie and they ran from the office.
“No, the cameras weren’t triggered, but the motion detectors were.”
“That’s weird, they’re pretty close to each other.”
“Exactly, so either someone saw the cameras and disabled them, got into our secure system and hacked them, or they knew where the cameras were but not the detectors. None of those scenarios are good.”