Page 54 of Mercer
They both circled around a moment later, shaking their heads.
“They’re gone,” Lucius said.
“What the hell is going on?” Javan asked, slamming his hands on his hips with a grunt.
“They came for Ginny,” Rhomi said. “They asked for her.”
“What?” Mercer asked, straightening from a defensive stance and turning to look at her.
She nodded, fear still singing in her veins.
“There was a guy in his twenties, he asked for her, and when I tried to play dumb, he broke the window. He had fangs and claws, I think he’s a jackal. There were a few other guys with him too.”
“How the hell did anyone get in here?” Mercer asked. He clicked a button on the walkie and said, “Jupiter, do you copy?”
There was a click, then he answered. “Are you at the ticket office? Is Rhomi okay?”
“Yes and yes, but we’ve got a problem. The jackals came looking for Ginny.”
“Take Rhomi to the security office. I’ll meet you there.”
“You got it.”
Mercer clipped the walkie onto his belt. “How did they know she was here?”
“I don’t know,” Rhomi said. “But that was scary as hell.”
“I bet.” He put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her against his side. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
“Why did it take so long for you to get to me? No one answered the panic button.”
“Because they attacked several places at once and drew us out of the building. We were on the other side of the park when the panic button alert happened. Jupiter and the others were spread over the park searching for intruders where motion detectors and cameras were triggered. I ran as fast as I could.”
“I’m just glad you’re with me now. That was so scary.”
“I’m so sorry,” he said, growling softly.
In the security office, she sat in the back room where there was a bank of monitors with live scenes around the park. Mercer pointed to another showing a map. “These green dots are motion detectors around the park. The ones that were triggered are red. The cameras record all the time and send an alert when something passes by.”
Amadeus, who’d been watching the monitors, said, “Whoever triggered the one camera did it with a hat, swinging it into view but not putting themselves in the recording. The motion detectors record when triggered, but the people were so fast they weren’t recorded.”
“How would they know where to look for everything?” Rhomi asked.
“They must have been watching us for the last couple days,” Amadeus said. “But how the hell did they know Ginny was here?”
Mercer shook his head. He rested his hand on Rhomi’s shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. She’d thought she was safe in that little office, but it turned out she hadn’t been.
She shivered, remembering the murderous look the man had given her when she’d said she didn’t know who Ginny was.
“He knew I was human,” she said, looking up at Mercer.
His head snapped down. “What?”
“He called me human. He said, ‘Enough foolishness, human female. You’ll tell me where Ginny is or you’ll suffer.’”
Lucius growled. “They were in the park, then. They had time to scout the inside and outside of the park, find out that Rhomi was human, and choose to attack her to find Ginny’s location.”
“I wonder why they didn’t just go to the apartment complex,” Mercer said, rubbing his chin.