Page 7 of Mercer
Then she spoke.
“I was hoping I could talk to someone about a job,” she said. Her voice was what he imagined angels sounded like. Slightly musical, very sexy, and a little…nervous?
She stepped into the office completely and the door shut, sending a wave of her scent in his direction. The moment her scent hit him, all warm like sunshine and sweet like melted sugar, he knew he was in the presence of his soulmate.
The problem? She was very clearly human.
His ears were buzzing.
His lion was roaring.
Oh, shit. He hadn’t responded to her.
“I’m sorry,” he said, his voice cracking like a teenager right at the height of puberty. Clearing his throat, he tried again. “I’m sorry, what?”
She moved a little closer. Holy hell, she was beautiful.
“I was wondering if there was someone I could talk to about job openings? I was laid off a couple weeks ago, and I just had a feeling like I should come in here. That was probably stupid, though. Right? Oh, gosh, I’m rambling. I’m sorry. I’ll let myself out.”
She pivoted to leave, and he shouted, “Wait!”
She froze, then slowly turned back to face him. “Okay?”
He smiled and came around the counter. “You’re definitely not in the wrong place. I’m Mercer.” He extended his hand, and she smiled sweetly as she shook it.
“I’m Rhomi.”
“I’m sorry you lost your job. Let me talk to my boss and get you an application. Have a seat.”
She sat on one of the chairs at the window and smiled again, but this time there was relief in her eyes instead of nerves.
Jupiter met him at the door, his mouth turned down and his eyes flashing in annoyance. He tugged Mercer into the smaller office and shut the door. With his voice barely above a whisper so it didn’t carry, he said, “What the hell, dude? We don’t give jobs to humans. Tell her you’re sorry but there are no jobs available and send her packing. Immediately.”
Mercer’s lion snarled. “She’s my soulmate, Jupiter.”
Jupiter straightened, his brows raising. “Shit, really?” His shoulders drooped as he eased from the aggressive stance. “Hell, she’s human.”
“I know.”
“Well, do you also know that we don’t give jobs in the park to humans?”
“Of course. But she’s my soulmate.”
He was aware he was repeating himself, but it seemed like a perfectly valid point.
Jupiter blew out a breath. “We don’t even have job applications because we don’t hire outsiders. Damn it. This is not how things are supposed to go.”
“Help me out, here,” Mercer pleaded.
Jupiter stared at him in silence, while Mercer’s lion paced in his head. Then he sighed. “I’ll print something up really quickly; I’m sure I can find a generic application. Tell her our online application system is down, so we’re getting a paper one for her to fill out. But I’m warning you, I’m not making any promises. What you’re trying to do is inherently dangerous. I’m not even sure the alphas will go for it.”
“Maybe I can woo her fast and then I won’t have to worry about whether she can work here or not.”
With a snort, Jupiter said, “Good luck.”
Mercer hustled out of the room and found Rhomi chewing her bottom lip and looking at her phone. She lifted her head and smiled at him, tucking her phone into her pocket.
He swore his heart stopped beating for a moment.