Page 9 of Mercer
“I’m going on break right now,” Mercer said. “I’d be happy to walk you over there.”
“Really?” Her face lit up. “That would be sweet, thanks.”
“You bet. See ya, Javan.”
Mercer opened the door and let Rhomi out, then glanced at Javan in time to see him give two thumbs-up.
“Good luck!” Javan said, only loud enough for Mercer to hear.
“Thanks.” He shut the door and said, “Did you eat lunch? The burger stall is awesome. If you’re not super hungry, there’s a snack stall that has candied popcorn and other fun stuff.”
She looked up at him as they walked.
“You know what? Iamhungry because I was too bummed about my job situation to eat earlier. Let me text my friends.” They stopped walking and moved off the main path while she texted.
She chuckled. “My friends want to know if you can get them backstage at the aviary.”
“Probably, as long as they’re not closing the area off because of an injured bird. Let me text Auden who runs it with his wife, Jess, and see what their schedule is like today.” He pulled his phone from his pocket.
“Really?” she asked, eyes wide.
“Sure. I think you’re pretty cute and I’d like to hang out with you for a bit longer.”
Her eyes went comically wider. “Oh, wow, that’s so sweet. You’re pretty cute too. And I’m not saying that just because I want a job and am feeling pretty desperate.”
“I believe you.”
He suspected that even though she was human, she had felt compelled to come into the security office because of their connection as soulmates. It was pretty damn cool.
His phone buzzed in his hand. “Okay, Jess says that we can join them backstage and get a private tour of the bird hospital and everything after two. Your friends are going to the one-thirty show?”
She looked at her watch. “Yeah.”
“Did you want to go to it?”
“No, it’s okay. I’d like to get a burger. And that popcorn sounds pretty fun too.”
He offered her his arm, and she giggled lightly and hooked her hand over it.
“Lead the way, good sir.”
“This way, my lady. Your burger awaits.”
Okay, so Rhomi was in heaven. Mercer was positively the sexiest guy she’d ever laid eyes on and he was so sweet. He had dark hair and hazel eyes and lips that seemed tailor-made for kissing and other wicked things. His broad shoulders and muscles on top of muscles made her feel like he could take on anyone or anything.
Her last boyfriend had been into weightlifting, but he hadn’t ever made her feel safe or like he could protect her if the need arose.
Not like Mercer.
As they walked through the park, she was very certain if someone tried to put their hands on her, that he’d stop them in a heartbeat.
Her train of thought was weird, she realized.
She didn’t know Mercer, but she felt connected to him. It made her wonder if the reason she’d felt so compelled to go into the security office was because of him. But that was crazy, right? People didn’t feel a compulsion to a location because of a person.