Page 3 of Borden (Borden 1)
“Do anything?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“Then why are you here?”
“I’m…I came here to talk to you.” Not to use you for some drugs.
He stared at me for several moments, and I couldn’t read his expression. I grew more uncomfortable by the second, wondering if he was on the verge of rejecting me. God, did I seem desperate?
“What’s your name?” he then asked.
“Kate,” I answered.
He nodded slowly, his eyes looking thoughtful. “Kate,” he repeated, like he was tasting it on his tongue. “I’ve seen you around, you know.”
My cheeks heated and I gaped at him in surprise. “Really?”
His lips twitched. “Surprised?”
“You can’t be serious. You turn heads, but I bet you knew that already.”
I shook my head, fighting to keep my eyes locked to his. “I don’t notice.”
He chuckled wryly. “Well, you do. You got my head turning since the second you got here, and all the times before I saw you walking around campus in your tiny little skirts and long blonde hair, and not that platinum shit girls put in it either, but fucking real blonde hair.”
I didn’t respond for a moment. I was too breathless all of a sudden, feeling this inexplicable pleasure coursing through me that I wasn’t as invisible as I thought I was.
“I’m Marcus,” he then said quietly, his eyes moving along my face.
I nodded. “I know.”
His brows shot up. “You know?”
He seemed a little pleased by that, maybe just as pleased as I was. “How old are you?”
“Not from this side of town, either, right?”
“No, I’m from the North end.”
He didn’t look surprised. “Near the New Raven Square?”
“Nice. Live with your family still?”
I shook my head. “No, I have my own place.”
“Got out of their shackles, then.”
I laughed lightly. “Pretty much, but they’re still around.” Specifically my father, who did a wonderful job at scaring away every freaking boy I ever crushed on.
“Means they care about you,” Marcus said softly.
I nodded carefully. “Yeah.”
He licked his bottom lip thoughtfully and glanced back at the house. “So what’re you doing here, Kate? You’re obviously out of your element, and I can spot your friends from a mile away. You girls here looking for some kind of thrill?”
I didn’t respond straight away. My cheeks heated even more. I looked toward the house, catching sight of Sophie again. I’d only come with her, but I understood why he speculated about several other girls. They dressed similarly to me, were probably a little older, but judging by the way they hung around some of the rough guys, it was clear what they were seeking – what we were all seeking.
“Yeah,” I admitted, glancing back at him. “It’s true.”
His lips pulled up into a lazy smile, but his gorgeous eyes were taking me in, and it had a dizzying effect on me. “And you came to me for that thrill, Kate?”
Every inch of me was on fire. I felt like I was teetering on the edge of a cliff, having to confront my fear by being open in a way I’d never been.
“Yeah,” I nearly whispered, swallowing back my nerves. Being confident was a lost cause. I would never achieve it. Instead, I let my vulnerability hang out into the open. It was like he had that power over me.
His breathing lightened a little, and he glanced down at my mouth momentarily. “Why me exactly?”
“Because…you interest me.”
He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. “Why do I interest you?”
I shook my head, unsure of the answer. “I don’t know. I guess…I liked staring at you from back there, and…I guess I’m really attracted to you, if we’re going to be honest.” I felt like a moron, and my excuse felt weak. Truth was, it made little sense why I was doing this. I came, I saw him, remembered all he was known for, but it didn’t bother me for some reason like it might have if he wasn’t here and someone was talking about him. No, in the flesh things were different, reality was stranger, and I felt tethered to him.
He looked even more serious after my idiotic words. Quietly, he asked, “And what kind of thrill are you looking for exactly?”
Oh, God. Did he seriously want me to say it?
“You know what,” I replied, equally quiet.
“You want me to fuck you?”
I froze completely. My heart even stopped for a beat. My eyes widened as I looked back at him.
He laughed lightly. “Why are you so nervous?”
“No one’s ever been that forward to me before.”
He studied me for a moment and shook his head slightly. “At this rate, I’m convinced nobody’s ever taken you home on the first night and fucked you to oblivion before either.”
I didn’t respond. It was obvious. My experience was limited, sure. I’d never hooked up before without strings attached.
“Does that bother you?” I wondered, nervously clasping my hands together.
He glanced down at them and his eyes softened. “No,” he answered gently. “Not at all. I just want you to know what you’re asking for.”
“Do I even need to ask?”
He looked amused, running his finger along his bottom lip as he stared at me. “For a girl like you, I’d eat razor blades just to have a touch. But that doesn’t mean I should. You’re clearly out of your comfort zone here. What happens when I take you to my place and you realize what we’re about to do and the consequences of that?”
“What consequences?”
“You’re rich type, Kate. I can see it in every way you carry yourself. Can see it in your clothes, in the jewellery you wear, even in the shampoo you use for that sexy fucking hair. Probably from a respectable family with a virtuous father and a supermom. What would they think of you? What would anybody think of you in that circle if you went home with me tonight?”
I took a long moment to respond.
“Well,” I finally said, “most of the girls I know would call me a slut. If our privileged families knew, I’d be the shame of our social circle, and you want to know the brilliant part?”