Page 60 of Searching for Nova
“What do you mean?”
“You seem like you’re in a bad mood. Or maybe you’re just tired. Either way, we can do this some other night.”
“I want to go out. I’ve been looking forward to it. And I’m not in a bad mood. I just had a disagreement with my dad. It’s been bothering me, but I’ll get over it. I’m already feeling better just being with you.”
“What happened with you and your dad?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. Besides, it’s over. Everything’s back to normal.”
“What’s normal?” I turn to him. “I’ve always wondered what a normal family looks like.” I laugh a little. “Is it like on TV? Do you guys have dinner together around a big table with platters of food that you pass around?”
“Yeah, that’s exactly how it is. We have family dinners almost every night. It’s my mom’s idea. She insists we eat together.”
“I didn’t know people really did that. Ted always eats in front of the TV and I eat in my room.”
But I like the idea of eating around a table with family. Notmyfamily. I only have Ted, and I hate him. He feels the same way about me. But if I had a family, people who actually cared about me, I think I’d like having dinner with them.
“What else do you guys do?” I ask.
“I don’t know. What do you mean?”
“Like on weekends. Do you guys see each other, or do you do your own thing?”
“My mom makes a big breakfast for us on Saturdays. Pancakes. Eggs. Bacon. Then she usually goes shopping with Jenna. My dad and I go golfing if the weather’s nice. If it’s not, we do our own thing. Sundays we go to brunch in the morning, or sometimes we go to church. After that, I’m either at the gym, the rink, or in my room studying.”
“You don’t go out with your friends?”
“I go out with them, but it’s usually later. After dinner. We hang out at Jace’s house a lot. His parents aren’t as strict as mine. They don’t care if we drink. They’d rather have us get drunk at their house than somewhere else.” Easton pulls into the parking lot at my building. “Can I go up, or do you want me to stay here?”
“You can go up. Ted has physical therapy on Mondays. He won’t be home for another hour.”
As we’re riding up the elevator to the third floor, I regret inviting Easton to come with me. I’m sure the place is a mess. Ted always leaves dirty dishes everywhere and tosses his empty beer cans on the floor. Even if I clean the apartment when I leave, it’s a mess by the time I get home.
“How long have you lived here?” Easton asks as I unlock the door.
“Since I left Liz’s house. Ted’s had this place forever.” I go inside and see Ted asleep in the chair. “Shit.”
“I thought he wasn’t home.”
“He’s not supposed to be.” I turn back to Easton. “You can wait downstairs. I’ll hurry up.”
“I can’t wait here?”
“You want to?” I say like he’s crazy. He probably lives in a mansion that’s cleaned by a maid. I’m sure it’s spotless and doesn’t have dirty clothes everywhere and stink like cigarettes.
“What the hell are you doing home?” Ted grunts.
I turn around and see him taking a swig from his can of beer.
“I didn’t take the bus today. Easton took me home. Why aren’t you at physical therapy?”
“They canceled it. Something about a fire alarm going off in the building.”
“Hey. Mr. Morris.” Easton gives him a wave.
“What’s with the mister shit? It’s Ted.” He turns over his beer can and shakes it out, letting the last of it drip onto his tray before tossing the can on the floor. “What’s he doing here?” Ted says to me. “You finally dump that fat kid for this guy?”
“For the last time, I’m not dating Mateo. And Easton is just a friend. We’re going out, but I have to clean up first.”