Page 89 of Searching for Nova
We hear the apartment door open and close.
“Was that his girlfriend?” I ask as Nova shuts the door.
“She’s just a date. It’s only the second time they’ve gone out. If she’s like his other dates, she’ll be done with him after tonight. Two dates is usually when it ends.”
Nova’s standing across from me in the tiny room, like she’s not sure what to do. I’m not either. We’d usually be kissing by now, but until I know her decision about dating me, I’m kind of at a loss for how to move forward.
“How was your day?” she asks.
“Fine. How was yours?”
This is awkward. We need to talk about this and get it out of the way so we can get on with our night.
I step up to her, close enough to kiss her if she decides that’s what she wants. I’m hoping it is, but I’m getting the feeling it’s not. “So what did you decide?”
She looks down. “I’m sorry, but I can’t.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. But can you tell me why?”
“I’m not ready for this. And I don’t… I don’t know if this is what I want.”
“Are you talking about dating me, or us being friends?”
Her eyes rise to mine. “Dating you. I’m open to being friends.” She smiles a little. “I might kind of miss you if we weren’t.”
“You’d miss me?” I say like I’m shocked. “Did I hear you right?”
She rolls her eyes. “You know how hard it for me to say this stuff and now you’re making fun of me?”
“I’m not making fun of you. I was just surprised that you said it.” I bring her into my arms for a hug. “I’d miss you too.”
“Is this allowed? Us hugging like this?”
“Yes. Friends can hug.”
She pulls away. “What else can they do?”
“Apparently have sleepovers, although this is my first one with a girl.”
“You’ve never spent the night with a girl?”
“No. Strict parents don’t usually go for that, which is why I was forced to lie to them about tonight.”
“What else can friends do?”
“Talk. Go out together.” I glance down at the grocery sacks. “Eat junk food.”
“Any chance they could kiss?”
“No. Kissing leads to other things, things friends don’t do.”
Nova frowns as she goes around me to the bed to sit down. “That really sucks.”
“Hey, the offer still stands.” I sit beside her. “You could still date me.”
“I can’t,” she mutters.