Page 129 of Trusting Easton
“You know what I mean. No spending the night.”
I smile. “That rule didn’t stop us at your house.”
“That stays between us. Don’t ever tell my mom that.”
“I won’t, but I think she knew. She made me go on birth control.”
“She knew we were having sex, but I don’t think she knew I was sneaking down to your room. She would’ve told me if she did. I would’ve got a lecture.”
Easton only snuck down to the basement a few nights a week, but we had sex a lot more than that. We did it in his Jeep, the guest room in Jace’s basement, at the park. I’ve lost track of all the places we’ve done it. Now we’ll probably do it in his dorm room when his roommate’s not around.
“I’m going to miss you,” Easton says, his arms tightening around my waist.
“I’m only a few miles away.”
“Yeah, but I’m used to having you in the same house.”
“At least we’re in the same town.”
“Yeah, I don’t think I could’ve left if I was leaving you behind. I’d miss you too much.”
“It was really great of your mom to talk her friend into letting me stay so we could be together.”
“She knows what happened last time I had to leave you. She didn’t want me feeling that way again.”
“I’ll miss your mom. I hope she comes back here to visit.”
“She will. She’ll probably be here every weekend until she’s used to us being gone. She’s losing two kids at once. That’s a lot for her to adjust to.”
“I’m not her kid.”
“But she treats you like you are.” He smiles. “And if you marry me someday, you’ll make it official. You’ll be her daughter-in-law.”
I want that so bad. I want to marry Easton, have some kids, and live in a house with a big backyard. I haven’t told him that because I’m afraid if I say it out loud, it’ll never happen. Even if I don’t say it, I still think it won’t happen. But I want it to.
“Your dad would disown you if you married me.”
“I don’t think so. He’s starting to come around.”
“You talked to him?” I ask, surprised, because Easton hasn’t talked to his dad in months. He was too mad at him for calling that social worker to take me away.
“He called me and I finally answered.”
“What did he say?”
“He apologized for what he did and said he wants us to have a relationship again. He practically begged me to.”
“And what did you tell him?”
“I said we’ll never have a relationship if he doesn’t accept you and accept that you and I are together. He agreed he needs to work on that and said he’d like to get to know you.”
“Really? Is this some kind of trick? Get to know me so he can use what he finds out to try to break us apart?”
“I don’t think so. He seemed sincere. My dad and I used to do stuff together. I think he misses that. He asked if I’d go golfing with him this week. I told him I would. He’s coming down on Friday. We’ll have lunch, then go play 18 holes.”
“Does your mom know?”
“Not yet, but I’ll tell her today. He called me this morning, but with all the moving stuff, I haven’t had time to talk to her about it.”