Page 17 of Trusting Easton
I leave and don’t look back, racing down the stairs and out to Ted’s car. My new life starts now, tonight. And I’m never looking back.
“She quit?”I say to Rod, the guy who owns the skating rink. “When did she quit?”
It’s Sunday and I got here early for my coaching session, hoping I could talk to Nova. When I couldn’t find her, I asked Rod if she was working today. That’s when he told me she quit.
“She called this morning,” Rod says. “Said she wouldn’t be coming in anymore.”
“Did she say why?”
“No. She seemed like she was in a hurry. She said she wasn’t coming in no more and that was it.”
“I don’t get it. Why would she quit? She actually liked this job.”
“You two aren’t talking no more?”
“No. Well, I’ve been trying to talk to her, but she won’t take my calls.”
“She find out about your girlfriend?” he asks, suddenly seeming pissed at me.
“What girlfriend?” I say, wondering if Nova told him more than he’s letting on. “Did Nova tell you I was cheating on her?”
“She didn’t have to. A kid like you with money, good looks, good athlete… I find it a little hard to believe you don’t have a girlfriend.”
“I do. I’m dating Nova, or I was before our fight.”
“What was the fight about?”
“Me being stupid,” I say with a sigh.
“Sounds about right.” He smiles a little. “You really had a thing for her, huh?”
“Yeah, and I want her back.”
“So there’s no other girl? Just her?”
“There’s no one else. I swear.”
He eyes me, like he’s not sure he believes me. “You try going to her apartment?”
“I did last Friday, but she wouldn’t come to the door.”
“Maybe stop trying for a day or two. Give her some time to miss you before you go bothering her again.”
“But I’m worried about her. I need to know she’s okay.”
“I’m sure she’s fine.” He pats my shoulder. “Maybe I misjudged you. You seem like an okay kid. I gotta get going.”
He walks off, leaving me wondering what he meant. How did he misjudge me? Was he saying shit about me to Nova, making her think she couldn’t trust me? He was always giving us looks when he’d catch us kissing out back, like he didn’t approve of us being together. The guy doesn’t even know me. Why wouldn’t he want me to be with Nova?
After my coaching session, I go to Nova’s apartment building. Ted’s car isn’t in the lot, which means Nova’s the only one home, assuming she’s there. I go up to the third floor and knock on her door. I listen for footsteps or any other sounds but only hear silence. Five minutes later, I finally leave.
I stop at the diner next. The younger waitress I’ve seen here before is working. She looks even younger than me.
“Sit wherever you want,” she says as she passes me on her way to a table with two older ladies.