Page 50 of Trusting Easton
“Jenna, I’m not getting into this with you. I just want you to stay out of the basement so she can rest. And as I said before, do not tell your father. I’ll talk to him when he’s back from his trip.”
“What’s the big deal? Why would Dad care if Easton’s girlfriend is here? Everyone knows Easton has sex, even you and Dad. And if she’s sick, they’re probably not gonna be doing it.”
“Okay, that’s enough,” my mom says as the doorbell rings. “That’s Elsa. Go get the door.”
She leaves and my mom lets out a long sigh. “She tries my patience.”
Jenna runs back in the kitchen and up to my mom. “Elsa said her mom will take us shopping. Can I go?”
“Yes, but remember tonight’s Easton’s hockey game.”
“I’m going with Elsa. I told you that this morning.”
“That’s right. I forgot. Can her mother take you home after the game?”
“I’ll take her,” I say. “I’m not going to the parties tonight.”
“Why can’t you take me?” Jenna asks Mom.
“I’m staying here to keep an eye on Nova.”
“You’re missing the game to babysit Easton’s girlfriend?” Jenna rolls her eyes. “Whatever. I’m leaving.”
When she’s gone, I go up to my mom as she takes the teakettle off the stove. “I knew she’d want to tell Dad. Thanks for handling her.”
“She doesn’t make it easy.” She pours the hot water into her mug. “Is what I said true? Is Nova your girlfriend?”
“She was, but now we’re back to being friends.”
“What happened?”
My mom nods. “I assume she thought you were still with Paris?”
“Yeah. I explained everything to her this morning, but she’s still not ready to be anything more than friends.”
“That’s better than nothing.” She sips her tea.
“Yeah. Way better.”
She smiles and pats my arm. “I’m going to go read a little. Come get me if you need me.” She takes her tea and goes to the living room.
What is going on with her? It’s like she’s finally accepted me being with Nova, the girl she tried to get me to forget for the past 12 years. What happened to change her mind?
“Sean?”I reach for him but he’s not there.
I must be dreaming. I feel awake, but my eyes are closed. It hurts to open them. My whole body hurts, a constant aching that doesn’t go away. I remember someone coming up to me and giving me pills, but I don’t know who, or if it even happened. I go in and out of sleep and can’t tell when I’m awake and when I’m not.
I thought I just heard someone beside me, but now they’re not there. I probably dreamed it.
“Nova?” a soft voice says. It’s a lady’s voice, not Sean’s. I feel her touching my forehead. “You’re still burning up.” She sighs. “We may have to take you to the emergency room.”
I’m suddenly awake, realizing what she said.